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Izteraab – Episode 15!

Ohkay, even though I found this episode very slow in terms of pace but the conversations by the end of the episode & those honest confessions of Zara were a perfect compensation for it. Seems like they asked us to invest our time in this episode so in return they gave us something to feel for the female characters at least.

In the beginning of the episode, I didn’t really get why Jazib was just so upset that just like a faffay kuttni, he reminded Dua of being a sautan to Zara? That just wasn’t appropriate especially coming from someone who knows how much Zara felt uncomfortable in Dua’s presence & how Dua was constantly being insulted by Zara. I think at least they should’ve shown Jazib as a rational person rather than just being someone who was responsible for getting these two ladies in one house. I wish he was sane enough to understand what each one of them was going through emotionally. For now, his priority is Zara; for the obvious reasons of course but that doesn’t mean that he can force Dua to do things out of the way to please his first wife? Dua has been patient & has taken care of everything pretty wisely but that doesn’t give him a right to misunderstand his 2nd wife just so easily.

Dua at least tried to bring a smile to Zara’s face but Zara’s phone call to Khala was just so odd. Zara has always been so upfront about what she felt for Khala but now all of a sudden she sighted the mood to thank Khala for calling Dua to Sialkot so that Zara can spend some time with her family? As far as what I know about Zara, she is someone who doesn’t really bother much about what others are thinking & doing so the whole calling-khala scene seemed quite pointless to be honest. Anyways, she found out about Dua & her supposed jhoot, but the way she reacted was once again annoying. I mean who stays so confrontational all the time? Is it really so important not to just be calm about any situation & literally be upset about every single thing? I feel as much as Zara has disliked Dua, she should’ve been satisfied for not seeing her face for the whole day but still she made sure she spent some time in reminding Dua about how jhooti she was.

Finally, Sofia made sure she clarified Dua’s image & made Zara understand that whatever Dua did was to make her happy & I am glad that the conversation with Sofia gave Zara an idea about Dua’s sincere feelings. Zara’s conversation with Jazib made me think that it would’ve been a lot better if Jazib & Zara had spoken on these lines before they rushed out of each other’s lives. It was actually just so easy all this while too given the history of them being totally in love with each other. Zara & Jazib could’ve sorted out their issues but seems like no one was bothered & there was a communication gap that too pretty unconvincing.

Anyways, the ordeal has made Zara understand that her family is in safe hands because Dua is a selfless person. Zara has learnt it the hard way but she now knows that she wasn’t there for her kids as much as she should’ve been but just because Dua’s always going to be there. She now understands how important it is to acknowledge her efforts & appreciate her for all the things she is doing for her family. The last conversation of Zara & Dua actually reminded me of the conversation Kajol has with Kareena, even though I don’t remember it clearly but I do know it was on the same lines as this one, so yeah to all those readers who make sure to remind me about Izteraab being a copy of We’re Family/Step Mom, I already know so now all you have to do is share your views on this episode without sharing the already known secret. ;)

Keep Supporting,
Zahra Mirza.

ps: On a personal note I feel Saba Qamar should’ve gone for some different & classy scarves because the one’s she’s wearing actually seem really tacky.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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