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Khud Parast Episode 17 Story Review – Intelligently Written Flawed Characters

Opening Thoughts – Intense:

Ohkay so, this episode of Khud Parast was intense & done well. The way the story took a turn & the dynamics changed couldn’t have been shown more convincingly. I totally believe that the way the writer has written all these flawed characters is basically the strength of this drama. You root for someone while clearly understanding their flaws & shortcomings. The way the writer has paid attention to all the characters by developing their complex personalities is highly commendable & this is what makes Khud Parast such an interesting drama to tune to. So many episodes have passed but Khud Parast hasn’t failed to impress which is amazing!

Uswa & Bakhtawar’s Battle:

Uswa has made up her mind. She is not going to go back to Hanan. No matter what anyone said but she was adamant that she came a long way & there was no turning back. I feel if Adeel wasn’t in the picture, Hanan still stood a chance of at least explaining himself or telling Uswa the truth but because Adeel turned out to be a major distraction for Uswa, she didn’t bother giving Hanan a chance of explaining himself which he actually deserved.

Adeel’s promise of wanting to be with Uswa despite her pregnancy actually had Uswa thinking seriously about all the things that were wrong in her marital life right from the beginning. Again, whatever Hanan did at such an early stages of his relationship with Uswa laid a foundation of all these negative feelings that Uswa slowly & steadily started to harbour in her heart against him. No doubt Hanan tried to improve & redeem himself but since his bad behaviour was a repetitive phenomenon, Uswa could not come out of that zone where she could look past his mistakes because every time she made herself understand, Hanan ended up doing something or the other to push her away from him. This was Uswa’s perspective about Hanan but then if we look at the overall behaviour attitude & lack of loyalty that Uswa had for Hanan, then she seems wrong completely. Again, in this scenario, to rely on Adeel for emotional support while being well-aware or his intentions is a grave mistake on Uswa’s part.

Hanan once again tried to make amends, he wanted to have a conversation with Uswa but unfortunately, she has moved on & Hanan is a nobody for her. That entire scene where Uswa insults Hanan in front of everyone was directed & acted really well where Hanan kept on trying to control himself but Uswa decided to push all the wrong buttons because she had made up her mind that she wanted divorce from Hanan. I know it’s just a random thought but amusingly the focus on cinemas & movies in Khud Parast is way too much. No matter what Uswa is going through, she is always ready for the movies that too by putting everything at stake – be it her marriage or her relationship. It is worth pondering upon that while having so many issues in her life, how does Uswa bring herself to enjoy a movie while sitting aimlessly in a cinema?

So, Bakhtawar & Moeez decided to pressurize Uswa by getting Saad arrested & Uswa did go back. I am sure Bakhtawar must have been thinking that she won yet another battle against Uswa but little did she know that just a single statement of Uswa would shake her ground & weaken the pillars of her household. Uswa did defeat Bakhtawar in these mind games & Bakhtawar would’ve never imagined that a girl like Uswa could plant a seed of doubt in her heart against her youngest son whom she loved so much. During that scene where Moeez & Hanan were almost in a fist fight with Bakhtawar looking at her scattered family members, the thought that came to my mind was that Bakhtawar was the one who started all of this & now she was facing the consequences. She always riled Hanan up against Uswa, she extracted pleasure out of Uswa’s misery, she literally ruined Hanan & Uswa’s relationship, she tried to control & change Uswa & now here she was, witnessing how the grip & control of her entire family was slipping away from her in front of her eyes. Yes, both Hanan & Uswa have committed mistakes but if we take a closer look, the one who is single-handedly responsible for this entire mayhem is Bakhtawar. Again, it was unfortunate that in order to defeat Bakhtawar, Uswa ended up ruining Beenish’s life too but then again, all of this would not have happened if Bakhtawar hadn’t tried to interfere so much between Hanan & Uswa, forcing Hanan to mistreat his wife. Uswa was wrong but the one who pushed her to this limit was Bakhtawar again because she tried to use her brother to pressurize Uswa, so Uswa ended up using her son Hanan to wipe that smug look of Bakhtawar’s face. Brilliantly written I must say!

I also feel that Saad should let Uswa know the truth that what did he say for Hanan to react so recklessly. It was Saad’s mistake but since Uswa comes from a family of selfish people, unfortunately Saad won’t tell Uswa the truth. It was also interesting to see how everyone was relying on others to achieve what they wanted. Uswa used Saad’s condition as an excuse to part her ways with Hanan & Moeez was using a false testimony of Uswa against Hanan to get rid of Beenish. I feel bad for Beenish that she will be facing a brunt of someone else’s lies & she will end up paying a price for someone else’s battle.

Closing Thoughts – Perfectly Written Flawed Characters:

Well, it shouldn’t come as a surprise but I am going to be all praises for Khud Parast – the writer, the director & all the actors. They all have contributed in making this drama just so amazing. For the first time I believe I am getting to see all the flawed characters written just so intelligently & their scenarios interwoven just so perfectly that where one seems wrong, you immediately find a reasoning behind their action by taking a look at the circumstances & all those events that lead the character to do such a thing. Khud Parast in simple words is actually a drama about the feud between a mother & a daughter in law but the writer has added so much into it that really has taken it to some other level, obviously in a good way. Well done Team Khud Parast. Definitely looking forward to the next episode. Please share your thoughts about this epispde of Khud Parast.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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