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Lashkara Episode 16 – Review!

Ohkay so, despite it still being my favorite drama & without my feelings changing for it, I will just say that this episode of Lashkara didn’t work for me at all because it was a filler episode & just didn’t do much in terms of taking the story forward. I found the scenes to be forced & situations a little dragged!

The entire focus of Tayi Jee on Bubbly, more than on Saima was hard to digest because she was never too fond of Bubbly & just a day before she was telling Saima off because she was speaking in Bubbly’s favor. Tayi Jee was always very conscious when people came to see Saima as she knew that Bubbly always grabbed everyone’s attention so even if she was married, the entire focus of Tayi Jee wanting Bubbly to look presentable & pretty seemed forced as we all know what she thinks of her & sadly, a good chunk of epsisode was covered by scenes of Tayi Jee arranging a suit for Bubbly – again, hard to digest!

The suitors being more interested in Bubbly & Nasreen, though being realistic again didn’t leave much of an impact. We all know Saima is blunt & calls spade a spade but again it just didn’t really make much sense that she chose to spill the beans about Bubbly’s personal problems in front of those outsiders. I’m sure that entire situation must have worked for a lot of viewers but for me it just seemed a bit too random & not well thought-out.

Bubbly left Feeka for his sake & later when everyone questioned her, she took it all on herself that she doesn’t like him enough to stay with him. As far as Feeka is concerned, he was introduced as this over-emotional person who really didn’t had a mind of his own so his will to give up on everything is on one side but Bubbly was introduced as a totally different person therefore it is frustrating to see her acting like this. Yes, at the time of her marriage, Bubbly did put her family ahead of her & got married because she saw what Nasreen did for her brother & even now leaving Feeka for his own good can be debated upon, but the things she said to her parents & the silly excuse she presented to stop them from probing further just wasn’t convincing & strong enough for me. Bubbly was honest, yes I understand that she has changed, she has matured mentally that is why she doesn’t want her parents to get insulted but now when she has made up her mind, she should tell them everything honestly. She doesn’t owe anyone else any explanation but I believe her parents deserve to know the truth to at least be able to vouch for her or even support her if they want to. Bubbly thinks she is doing her parents a favor but she is totally wrong because she is putting them under such a horrible burden that they, especially her father might not be able to deal with!!!

Do you agree with Bubbly’s approach? Well I don’t. Also, the last thing I want is for Sunny to create more issues for Bubbly. I thought he will stick to his instinct that it was Nikki who was behind everything but sadly after what Chitta Jee told him about Bubbly, he changed his mind. I hope as they showed in the precap of next episode that Sunny will get to know about Bubbly’s separation with Feeka, I hope it will motivate him to find out the truth. Also, please don’t tell me we have Talaq on cards? That will be super upsetting! Anyways, I am not happy with Bubbly’s character & what she is doing but definitely looking forward to the next episode. Please share your thoughts!

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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