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Make Up Artist Ken Doll Bashes Dananeer For Sharing Harmful Beauty Tip

Make Up Artist Ken Doll Bashes Dananeer For Sharing Harmful Beauty Tip

Ken Doll is a popular internationally famed make up artist from Pakistan, he is also a social media influencer who is famous for his amazing make overs and videos. Ken Doll has recently posted a video in which he bashed the popular social media influencer Dananeer Mubeen on sharing extremely harmful kitchen trick to make the plumped lips.

Make Up Artist Ken Doll Bashes Dananeer For Sharing Harmful Beauty Tip

Make Up Artist Ken Doll Bashes Dananeer For Sharing Harmful Beauty Tip

Dananeer urged fans to use the Vaseline along with red pepper and cinnamon powder on lips, she said that this hack can give a perfectly plumped look to lips. Well, this kitchen hack was totally unapproved by Ken Doll who said that if anyone wants to make her lips plumped, he or she needs to spend money and go to doctor. He further named a few products which can easily make the lips look perfectly plumped up. He has strictly forbidden the girls from using red pepper on lips as it can cause allergic reactions on lips or in mouth. He has said that such cheap kitchen hacks are too harmful and one should not fall prey to each kitchen trick. Have a look at his video.

Well, fans loved his funny style of making a schooling video, they loved his suggestions about plumped lips and appreciated his advice on Dananeer’s the harmful kitchen hack and they praised him for his right information. Here are the comments.

Make Up Artist Ken Doll Bashes Dananeer For Sharing Harmful Beauty Tip

Make Up Artist Ken Doll Bashes Dananeer For Sharing Harmful Beauty Tip

Make Up Artist Ken Doll Bashes Dananeer For Sharing Harmful Beauty Tip

Make Up Artist Ken Doll Bashes Dananeer For Sharing Harmful Beauty Tip

Make Up Artist Ken Doll Bashes Dananeer For Sharing Harmful Beauty Tip

Make Up Artist Ken Doll Bashes Dananeer For Sharing Harmful Beauty Tip

Make Up Artist Ken Doll Bashes Dananeer For Sharing Harmful Beauty Tip

What do you think about his funny video in which he schooled Dananeer for sharing hack? Do let us know!

Make Up Artist Ken Doll Bashes Dananeer For Sharing Harmful Beauty Tip

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