The star-studded drama serial Thora Sa Haq revolves around the marital issues. The star cast of this dramatization sequential includes the superstar Imran Abbas, beautiful Ayeza Khan, talented Mashal Khan, and everyone’s favorite Saba Faisal.
Mashal wrote, “Meray pyaray dost.. where do I begin? I met Imran for the first time in July on the set of Thora Sa Haq. Our friendship was so natural, so organic. I have tears in my eyes while typing this because I don’t even want to begin to think about what I’m going to do when I don’t see Imran on set every day.”
“When I won’t be able to just go to him and cry, or laugh, or show him funny videos of my cats. Imran, you forever have a special place in my heart. You are brilliant, kind, compassionate and a true friend. Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for the lessons, the support, the laughter, the love. You have a friend in me forever,” Mashal Khan shared.