The clock strike 9 in the morning and the Pakistani audience is given a list of various morning shows to choose from. This trend of morning shows started from the famous Nadia Khan Show on Geo TV. Since then the morning shows have been much watched and have blended elements of interviews of most desirable celebrities, discussions of fashion trends, beauty tips, etc. However, the increasing competitive morning shows in race to increase their ratings have compelled the morning shows to try new stuff for their audience to stay glued to them and attract many others.
The Drama:
 Many morning shows have kept inappropriate people to host their programs who have no idea how to interact with the camera, some morning shows have gone all traditional forgetting that a morning show is not a platform for match fixing and celebrating wedding ceremonies like Utho Jago Pakistan and aptly followed by the host’s brother in his night show. In the past few months the topics of spiritual entities have been quite famous among the morning shows like Jago Pakistan Jago and Utho Jago Pakistan. Utho Jago Pakistan is indeed a show full of entertainment without the hosts Fahad Mustafa and Kiran getting cheesy or into unethical talks with their guests. However they started deviating from their reputed standards when they started the match fixing ceremonies and discussing the presence of spirits and black magic. This really got their TRPs high but it had traces of fake and dramatics. Shaista Wahidi’s Utho Jago Pakistan is completely performing off the track. There is little to believe what happens on her shows, even her guests seem to answer her queries with scripted answers. The trend of celebrating weddings was the most frustrating time wasting season ever celebrated on her show. If people want to watch dramas, Pakistani silver screen is doing their job too good already.
The Reality:
Though many of us are not fond of watching these morning shows, it would be inappropriate to call them a total waste of time; after all there are many housewives and senior citizens who find them interesting and entertaining. Recently I got a chance to watch Sanam’s show where she interviewed Roohi Bano, and certainly it was something that took my heart out. What I mean here is that we cannot completely criticize all the morning shows because some of them are really producing a quality work for the viewers. Fahad’s show too, have something entertaining most of the times, especially when he conducts a dedicated show over a serious issue.Â
All in all, it is to be remembered that these morning shows are meant to entertain people. They are still on air because they are creating a considerable business, so whether you like them or hate them, you cannot simply avoid them. Share your views about how do you take these shows in your life.
Best Wishes
Nida Zaidi