Nabila’s Story Of Remarrying At The Age Of Forty

Nabila is the ultimate fashion icon of Pakistan who is famous for her stylish haircuts from the beginning.

Nabila's Story Of Remarrying At The Age Of Forty

She is a pioneer in her field and she redefined fashion and style through her amazing talent.

Nabila's Story Of Remarrying At The Age Of Forty

Nabila also launched her zero makeup kit which is quite popular among the masses.

Nabila's Story Of Remarrying At The Age Of Forty

We have not seen other side of Nabila. Who knew she is so strong, bold and rebellious from her childhood?

Nabila's Story Of Remarrying At The Age Of Forty

In an interview, she shared her divorce story and how she got married again at the age of forty.

Nabila's Story Of Remarrying At The Age Of Forty

She shared, “So my first marriage drifted apart because a lot was happening and you know my focus was on work and children and I found myself being a very strong person but when things drifted apart very nicely we just had a talk.”

Nabila's Story Of Remarrying At The Age Of Forty

“I said that its time that we move on you can find someone better and I need to do what I need to do, I need more focus. My marriage lasted for 22 years, and everything nice and nothing wrong. Very nicely we parted one day.”

Nabila's Story Of Remarrying At The Age Of Forty

Sharing her story, she said, “I was single for a couple of years because I thought I didn’t need anyone and then I realized no, companionship is a different thing altogether and you can have a cat as a companion, you can be with your mother as a companion or you can be with a man or a woman, whatever you like.”

Nabila's Story Of Remarrying At The Age Of Forty

“I realized that it doesn’t have to be rich, it doesn’t have to be good looking, I don’t need the passport, I don’t need the house, I don’t need the children. At this point in my life, what do I need? Again I had to be very honest with myself and I said I need to laugh, I need to be happy, I need to be with someone with whom I can just laugh and that’s all I need. I don’t need anybody to complete me because I am complete,” Nabila added.

Nabila's Story Of Remarrying At The Age Of Forty

She talked about falling in love and her second marriage. She said, “I am too practical and cold to fall in love. So I met Emu, he is genuine, good spirit, self-made, talented, loving and he makes me smile and that’s it. Nothing more nothing less. We have been together for ten years now and that’s  it.”

Nabila's Story Of Remarrying At The Age Of Forty

Here is Nabila’s interview:


Safina Jatoi is a content creator and editor at Reviewit. She loves to explore latest themes related to Pakistani Showbiz and Latest Happenings.