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Nazr e Bad Episode 19 & 20 Review – Still Going Strong!

Ohkay so, like all the previous episodes of Nazr e Bad, these two episodes were convincing & interesting too. It is commendable that even after so many weeks have passed, this drama still has something new to offer every time. I can’t emphasize enough on the fact that the amount of research that has gone into this project is praise worthy. Even though this story has all those ingredients which these days drama-makers resort to in order to grab the ratings but when it comes to Nazr e Bad, the team has used these things to serve a bigger purpose, which is to inform & educate people about the lengths people can go to in order to harm others.

So, just after Maham lost her baby, she wasn’t in her senses anymore. Aftab tried really hard to bring himself to start afresh but seems like Maham wasn’t in her right state of mind, obviously, losing baby was one reason but the main reason was Parvez’s continuous attempts of drifting Maham & Aftab apart. It was actually quite shocking to see Salma using this entire episode to torture Maham further but even though Maham would’ve never done anything of that sort in normal circumstances, she finally decided to stand up for herself. Even though what Maham did was so unlike her but at that moment I felt Salma deserved it, for all the things she has said to Maham all this while & for everything that she put Maham through.

I must say, the way they have shown that it only takes 1 envious soul or only 1 enemy to rip everything apart is eye-opening & shocking at the same thing. Even though Almas is responsible for how she has raised Parvez with so much of negativity & so many complexes but at this stage, Parvez is the real culprit, the actual enemy who has ruined so many lives & has broken a couple of marriages too. The way the drama-makers have covered the entire aspect of how it all started to where it has come to is mind-blowing because no one can deny this reality & I believe so many people can actually relate to the things that are being shown in Nazr e Bad.

So, Parvez knew that he had to give a final blow to Aftab & Maham’s marriage & he decided to turn Aftab into an addict because then Parvez knew that he wouldn’t even have to do anything as Aftab under the influence of intoxication will do the rest. Parvez hit the bulls-eye with this move because Aftab ended up divorcing Maham. It was actually sad to see Aftab turning into such a weak man who ended up succumbing to the pressures & decided to call everything quits. This is another brilliant aspect which has been covered that only a few people are able to take so much of pressure & emerge victorious out of it whereas the rest of them only end up following the lead & lose everything that they have!

Aneesa thinks she has hit the jackpot now that she has found a guy like Parvez who can help her with her business. It didn’t even take a second for Parvez to plant a seed of doubt in Aneesa’s mind against her husband. Even though Aneesa is the one who makes decisions independently but drifting her apart from her husband would benefit Parvez even more because in the future, Aneesa won’t have anyone who’d speak to her against Parvez, may be this was the main reason why he chose to confirm her doubts that she had regarding her husband.

So, now that Maham is divorced, Parvez thinks no one can stop him from getting married to her. I must say the scene in which Parvez goes to the Masjid was executed so well & was probably my favorite scene from the entire episode. It was so obvious that just because Parvez has gone way ahead in this dark path, he was unable to cope up with the energies present in the Masjid & because of that, his heart wasn’t at peace. Parvez was also left speechless when he was asked about his earnings, like even though Parvez has a conscience but just because he has blinded himself in the pursuit of achieving what he wants through black magic, he has no other choice than to just ignore the voice at the back of his head that is telling him that he is wrong.

Another thing that they revealed was about the magicians being unable to have an offspring of their own. This was the detail that they covered in the initial episodes where they showed that Shamsi Chacha didn’t have a child of his own & even his adoptive son wasn’t mentally & physically stable. Parvez actually thought that apart from Maham, he wouldn’t need anything but just the thought of not having a child did shake Parvez a bit. I think it is quite intelligent of the writer & the director where after showing series of mishaps that Parvez has instigated, they are now hinting on the fact that Parvez’s conscience isn’t allowing him to be completely peaceful or satisfied. Initially, Parvez was only focused on bringing Maham into his life that he didn’t really bother about the heavy price that he’d have to pay but every now & then all those thoughts are creeping into his mind where he is forced to think about the things Shamsi warned him about.

Overall, I had a great time watching these two episodes. Another scenario that made a lot of sense was that Nusrat finally got to be at her home because Shafeeq not only left but gave the ownership of the house to Nusrat too so that at least she can have a roof over her head. Now that Maham is divorced, I think it was quite intelligently shown that just in the nick of time, Nusrat got the ownership of the house so that at least she along with Maham & her son Baber can live in the home which belonged to her. At this stage I am not too sure about Aneesa’s track & I wish she doesn’t get a lot of coverage in the episodes to come. Also, I really think it’s about time for Nusrat & Maham to solve the puzzle & find out about the real culprit who is responsible of ruining their lives. I can’t wait for that to happen. I must say, so far each & every single actor has done a commendable job but this week, Sara Khan took the crown for portraying Maham’s anger to perfection, like Sara Khan made sure all the viewers understood what Maham was going through & how she was not herself anymore because of all the things that she endured, it was phenomenally done by Sara Khan. I can’t wait for the next set of episodes already. Please share your thoughts about these two episodes of Nazr e Bad.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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