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New trend of Ramadan shows is Haraam-Fatwa passed

Previously cherished cherish holy month of Ramadan is now nothing more but an attempt to to secure more TRPs for the private channels which is really a significant aspect one should think about. Now that the month has reached its end, it has been heard that the religious scholars have passed a Fatwa that all such so-called religious programs are causing harm to the actual idea of Ramadan and have declared them Haraam.

Its is important to state that there is nothing new this year only but an extension has been seen to the past few years’ celebrations. We have been sharing or rather criticizing over the issue and here is what the scholars have to say about it.

Have a look!


It seems like now that Aamir Liaquat has been known well by the people for his previous Ghalib video which earned him hatred of people who are truly following the teachings of Islam, he is now enjoying to be a real smart one out by playing with a holy theme. It is not only Geo TV this year but all the private channels who have tried their level best to improve their ratings.

Now that even a panel of scholars have even passed a Fatwa about it, let us see how things turn out to be next year but there is one thing for sure that such acts are really something Muslims should condemn. Ramadan is a month to worship your  Lord and purifying your soul from evil thoughts and deeds and not something where Muslims should be attending shows to grab their hands on a piece of branded cloth or Q-Mobile. 

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Nida Zaidi

My name is Shozib Ali. I have done Bachelors in Media Sciences. Currently Working as an administrator and content writer for reviewit.


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