In the past week, repression in Indian occupied Kashmir has increased. Kashmir has been lockdown. Army has take over schools, colleges, businesses and offices.
There is an internet blockade and communication blackout. Preceding to this situation political leaders, activists and even journalists have been detained. The troops are patrolling on the streets and people continue to be locked in their homes after a curfew was declared.
Pakistani artists have raised their voice against bleeding in Kashmir. Celebrities like Mahira Khan, Kubra Khan, Shaan Shahid, Mehwish Hayat, Hareem Farooq, Feroze Khan and many others have twitted about this whole scenario.
Have we conveniently blocked what we don’t want to address? This is beyond lines drawn on sand, it’s about innocent lives being lost! Heaven is burning and we silently weep. #Istandwithkashmir #kashmirbleeds
— Mahira Khan (@TheMahiraKhan) August 5, 2019
Why is the world quite?!?! How come this brutality in kashmir is being ignored?!? Have we lost all humanity!!!?! Its time to raise our voices!! Its time to stand with kashmir! Its time to end this brutality and injustice!#KashmirBleeds #KashmirNeedsAttention
— Hareem Farooq (@FarooqHareem) August 4, 2019
The use of cluster bombs in Kashmir is in clear violation of the Geneva Convention. There is no justification for it whatsoever. These are simple war crimes – the world has to wake up and put a stop to these atrocities NOW! #SaveKashmirSOS #KashmirBleeds
— Mehwish Hayat TI (@MehwishHayat) August 4, 2019
Bathing in Ganges will not wash away , the blood of the martyrs of Kashmir. #kashmirbleeds .
— Shaan Shahid (@mshaanshahid) August 4, 2019
I am KASHMIR #KashmirBleeds #StandwithKashmir
— Feroze Khan (@ferozekhaan) August 5, 2019
1/2 Kashmir is the land of Kashmiris , is it too difficult to understand? The world should speak up , it is about time! Kashmiris have suffered a lot already. #StandwithKashmir #SaveLivesInKashmir#IStandWithKashmir
— Farhan Saeed (@farhan_saeed) August 5, 2019
2/2 This decision today by so called largest democracy of the world of declaring Kashmiris as minorities on their own land is ridiculous and unacceptable on so many levels . #StandwithKashmir #SaveLivesInKashmir #IStandWithKashmir
— Farhan Saeed (@farhan_saeed) August 5, 2019
Let’s not let this become another “#PrayForKashmir” when it’s too late. Let’s be loud enough so it doesn’t Happen… or atleast Try. #KashmirUnderThreat #BetterSafeThanSorry
— Kubra Khan Official (@KubraMKhan) August 4, 2019
Praying for Kashmir and all its people….its been far too long. This crisis needs to be resolved NOW! #KashmirUnderThreat
— Mansha Pasha (@manshapasha) August 4, 2019
Why the hell is the world not opening its eyes to what’s happening in #kashmir! #kashmirbleeds and no major news channel is talking about it. wby isn’t the UN talking about the brutality?? #SaveKashmirSOS
— Ali Rehman Khan (@alirehmankhan) August 4, 2019
#IStandWithKashmir hamesha
— Faysal Quraishi (@faysalquraishi) August 5, 2019
Occupying #Kashmir with a force of One Million, putting the entire state under curfew like situation and invoking #Article370 clearly show that Kashmir is being annexed forcefully.
Meanwhile, the @UN 's role is a reminder of that of the League of Nations.#StandwithKashmir— VEENA MALIK (@iVeenaKhan) August 5, 2019