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Prem Gali Episode 30 Story Review – Should’ve Ended By Now

Ohkay so, I honestly tuned to this episode assuming it might be the last but that did not happen & it actually was off-putting. I mean all the things that transpired in this episode, if they had happened back in the 15th or 18th episode, it would’ve made so much sense. It is actually amusing that a drama has been dragged for so long only for the viewers to see Hamza’s ridiculous plans of winning his wife over. What’s frustrating is that in situations that seemingly look realistic, so many things happen which are far from reality & the sad part is, none of it is fun watching either.

Super Unrealistic

Hamza finally found out that Joya was keeping a secret about her father & his boss Manzoor from him. He then realized his mistake & decided to fix it. By fixing it, he thought it was an amazing idea to resign from his job. I wonder how he felt it was the right thing to do, that too before he even heard from Joya. Yes, Fari must’ve given him an insight into what was going through Joya’s mind but well. Instead of just going to Joya directly, Hamza also decided to take a very unique route to get to her, so that he can prove his innocence to her. Joya obviously has come back but wants to be around her in-laws so that no one questions or even speculates that Hamza & Joya are having issues.

Hamza once again decided to come up with yet another plan to fool Joya so that she comes back to him. Joya is adamant that she is not going to forgive Hamza for misjudging her intentions but has she not heard about a thing called ‘benefit of the doubt’. She is ready to be around her in-laws only so that nosey neighbors of Prem Gali do not make assumptions & spread rumors but she is not ready to speak to her husband directly about what happened & how could he be so wrong? Are Hamza & Joya ever going to behave as adults & deal with these issues like two mature individuals or are they always going to play around like toddlers? Seriously it is absolutely no fun watching their take on different situations which always fall flat!

Luqman decided to pursue Musarrat once again & even got his brother Hatim on board. This was the ‘only’, I repeat ‘only’ good thing about this episode. I wish this track had gotten more coverage because it was far more enjoyable right from the beginning. Musarrat is scared but to see Luqman being a thorough gentleman while dealing with her was really sweet. It was nice that Rahat also decided to persuade Musarrat because everyone has seen the kind of person Luqman is.

Prem Gali Should’ve Ended Weeks Ago

The next episode definitely seemed interesting because it is going to cover Luqman & Musarrat’s wedding but I am kind of upset that it also might not be the last episode of Prem Gali? I am not sure who thought it was a good idea to spread this drama over 30+ episodes because there was absolutely no need for that. Please share your thoughts about this episode of Prem Gali.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.


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