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Sanam Baloch Has An Important Message For Her Female Fans

Sanam Baloch has a huge fan following, she is one of those celebrities which the viewers see on their television screens almost daily because she has been hosting a morning show for many years now. Hosting these shows is something which is really close to her heart and she holds her viewers dear.

Sanam Baloch Has An Important Message For Her Female Fans

Sanam Baloch’s relationship with her husband ended recently and when something so tragic happens everyone learns something from it. Sanam Baloch it seems has also learned something and she intends to stick to it. When Samina Peerzada asked her what was life for Sanam, her reply was very meaningful.

Sanam Baloch Has An Important Message For Her Female Fans

Sanam said that life is a beautiful gift given by God to each person so everyone has the right to live their life the way they will. She said that I would especially like to tell the girls that they should not let people run their lives for them. She said that in our society a girl’s life is govern by the men in their lives which is so wrong. She also clarified that she was not asking the girls to be rebellious but she was asking them to value their own likes and dislikes too.

Sanam Baloch Has An Important Message For Her Female Fans

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