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Saya-e-Dewar Bhi Nahin Episode 4 – Unimpressive!

This episode opened with Haider submitting to the decision of the jirga because he could not see his Taya suffer the consequences of his actions. The conversation between Bibi jaan and her daughter and the ones between Tahira and her mother had absolutely no impact for two reasons. Bibi Jaan’s character is very confusing; I am still not sure which side of her is real!! I am all for grey characters but she goes from loving Shehla to treating her like she is a nobody in no time. After everything she said to Shehla in the previous episode, it was impossible to relate to her feelings for her “daughter”! She was shown saying to Shah Sb that she didn’t want to raise Shehla but had to because he forced her to and now tonight she told Shehla she lost a baby and when Shah Sb brought Shehla she felt like she got her baby girl back! Bibi Jaan’s character isn’t making a lot of sense right now. The actress playing Tahira does not know how to act, I am surprised that she is getting so much work! There is absolutely no variation in her acting, her dialogue delivery is flat and her expressions confusing. Same is true for the actress playing her mother.

The visit to the Mazar and all of Shehla’s conversation with the maid seemed like filler scenes – I am still wondering why they got so much screen time. All of Shehla’s efforts, her emotions and even her conversation with Haider fell flat because of Naveen Waqar’s terrible portrayal and dialogues which were not very touching. She looked good playing the bubbly Shehla but she isn’t very impressive playing the emotional fool who has no control over herself. Shah Sb’s concern for his children and his helplessness was the only part of this episode which I could relate to, rest of it did not work for me at all.


Mansoor and his father just like Bibi Jaan are showing their true colors now. Mansoor’s father does not respect his wife or women in general which is why Mansoor is the same. I am wondering now how could Shah Sb not know this about him since they are bachpan ke dost! Once again a character which was shown as a positive one has been turned into a villain all of a sudden. Mansoor is greedy and he does not respect women therefore Shehla is going to face a very tough time once she gets married to him. Emaad Irfani’s acting too was unimpressive in this episode and Irfan Khoosat is a complete misfit for playing this role. Mansoor found out in tonight’s episode that Shehla was not Shah Sb’s real daughter but that doesn’t change much because he is not marrying her, he is marrying the money and status which he will get automatically once he marries her.

So far, this drama is getting worse with every passing episode already! None of the characters or actors are standing out in any of the roles. There is zero chemistry between the actors and even the most emotional scenes fail to have an impact. The preview of the next episode promised some drama – Shehla will do something extreme after Haider tells her once again that they don’t have a future together. So far the only episode of this drama which was better out of all the 4 which have gone air was the 1st one. The previous episode was full of loop holes and this one was unimpressive to say the least.

How many of you watched this episode of SDBN? Do share your thoughts about it.


P.S. The review of Tum Kon Piya will be posted tomorrow.

Fatima Awan
Fatima Awan has been a part of reviewit right from its inception. She feels very passionately about Pakistani dramas and loves discussing them in detail. An enthusiastic writer, thinker, and political scientist, constantly trying to look beyond the obvious. Full-time mom.

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