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Shanakht – Episode 13! <3

OO EM JEE! I don’t know how much I’ve missed this play & finally so glad to have it back on-air tonight. So good to get the weekly dose of Shanakht & I must say I am absolutely impressed with the theme of this play. I think very intelligently they’ve stepped into another boundary of showing how two people can not only have a positive impact on their families but how their attitude influences the life of others as well. I think I am never going to have enough words to praise the mindset of the writer for coming up with such a unique story with so much positivity & so many well-placed intricate lessons.

Finally, Annie has become a very important part of Rohaan’s family. It was so good to see her MIL especially making an effort to show how much she’s pleased with her DIL & how much she endears her. I love the director’s take on this aspect that families do tend to take some time in accepting new family members & it does depend on both the parties as to how they mend their ways & walk an extra mile to adjust to each other’s calibre. In this case it depended on Annie to contain herself & give Rohaan’s family the time they needed to wholeheartedly accept her & luckily for her, that time has arrived.

I must say I love the way this story has moved forward. I think this story has had so many phases that flowed in conjunction & everything was executed with perfection. It started at a point where both Annie & Rohaan had to face the objection only of their families. They then worked on themselves just so that they can lead by example. While their families were still somehow struggling to accept their transformation, they both got married. Now it was time for both the families to accept their new family members. Annie & Rohaan once again stayed determined because of the power of Imaan, knowing that one day their families will not only accept them for who they were but will also shower them with the love that they both deserved. Now when this level has been taken care of in a way that first the immediate & then the extended family got to understand their way of life, the third phase of the story has begun where now the writer has tried to show that when you are on a right path, you not only have a positive influence on your family members, but also on your relatives & on your social circle as well. That’s why we saw the change in Haris’s attitude & now seems like Shireen, Faryaal & Hashim are left to get influenced. I must say this has been such a nice journey to experience because I loved the way both Annie & Rohaan’s characters have shown to be so influential & positive that everyone around them is getting persuaded to change their perspective about them & the people who are religious like them. I never thought that this drama would have so many detailed lessons without being so preachy & boring. <3

It was pretty evident that Haris’s parents didn’t know anything about what was going on between Kashaf & Haris. They obviously supported him because they were oblivious of the personal details of how much Haris himself was at fault but now it was time for Haris to understand that what he did was wrong & he had to made amends. As much as he didn’t want to, he himself couldn’t resist getting impressed by Rohaan’s sensibility & his forgiving nature. It was good to see that without dragging the matter further, they showed that Kashaf & Haris reconciled where it was Haris who realized his mistake without having anyone convince him once again. The conversation Kashaf had with Annie was beautifully written where very subtly Annie tried to make her understand that she needs to elevate the level of her Imaan as well. I so wish we get to see the happy-go-lucky Kashaf once again because hopefully her tough days are numbered & with this, Huma acknowledged Rohaan as her own son, which was heart-warming as well.

I think finally after a long gap we got to see Rohaan having some chit chat with her sisters. It was absolutely a treat to watch him being himself. I think Rohaan’s journey was as tough as Annie’s because he was seeing his wife, mother & sisters struggling to come to terms with each other but now when that was sorted, we got to see the real Rohaan who believed in only spreading smiles around him.

Ohkay, before saying anything about Hashim, Faryaal & Shireen’s situation I must say I disliked the way Hashim looked & smiled at Annie – Home-Wrecker Alert anyone? LOL! I know he was just looking at Annie with admiration because she has grown into this decent & graceful lady that anyone would think highly of her but sorry Noor Hassan has had a track record of such sort that I can’t help fearing something unpleasant. :/ Anyways, I think Shireen is being unreasonable where she expects Faryaal to become responsible & learn how to fulfil her expectations overnight. She must understand that she must give the benefit of doubt to Faryaal as a newlywed because she definitely comes from a different background & has a whole different mindset. I don’t know about you guys but I actually enjoyed & giggled seeing Faryal’s predicament because her character totally justifies the behaviour of a newly wedded young bride & I don’t see any problem with her. She’s just being herself & only wants to be pampered by the man she loves & who supposedly loves her too. I think it now depends on Hashim to maintain a balance between the two ladies & also make ways to draw them both closer to each other. As much as we know about Hashim, he has always been impatient & a quitter, that’s why in just a few days he seemed so frustrated at his domestic situation. I think this was another great development in the story that Hashim & Rohaan have once again come in contact with each other where they’ll spend more time together so that Rohaan will be able to help Hashim in overcoming the commotion that’s has overtaken his life. I think before doing anything, Hashim needs to bring a change in himself because very easily he gets agitated at his family members which only showcases his weaknesses & nothing else.

So, this is it from my side. I can’t stop praising this drama. I must say when Shanakht began, people in general thought that it would be just a very typical, preachy & one-dimensional drama which should be dissed because nowhere in Muslim countries do girls face such objections & without having a chance to get acquainted with the beautiful characters of Annie & Rohaan, they focused more on Maya Ali’s Hijab style & stuff like that, but I so wish that people give this drama another chance & watch it patiently just to see that the story of Annie & Rohaan is more than just a story of a Muhajabba & a man with a Beard. Shanakht is a story of two people with ethics, morals, values & substantial, positive & influential characters. Share your say please. :)

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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