Top 5 This Week

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Strong Female Leads

Ahh strong female leads, I really enjoy watching them on our screens. Because watching the mazloom en chup chap oorat has become hmm let’s say not so pleasant. Whether it be Romaisa in MSKSH or the female lead in Janam Jali. It’s a pain to watch them suffer and not standing up for themselves. Like Adeel Hussain’s character said in one of the last scenes of MSKSH: that the period of scared and zulm sehne wali oorat has passed a long time ago and now a man looks for a life partner who is strong and equal to him. Also Zeeshan in Mere Meherban said to Haya that the era of darri sehmi larkiyan is over in one of the latest episodes..
So for me it was time to make a list of the strong females we have seen on our screens and who were a pleasure to watch.

1. Kashaf – Zindagi Gulzar hai

For me Kashaf cannot be missed, she is a girl who has lived a hard life, seen as less worthy by her father because she is a daughter and not a son, seeing her mother sacrifcing every single thing to raise her daughters so Kashaf became a bit bitter about life but she is someone who always stood up for herself. Even though she belonged to middle class she proved to be a great student at university. Also she wore her dupatta with pride. In short it was a pleasure to watch such a bold character.


2. Kiran – Kankar

Sanam Baloch is one of the actresses who actually breath life into every character she plays. For me Kiran was an example. Her self-respect was really important and even Sikandar who was the perfect husband in the eyes of the society because of his social status did not have the right to take her respect away. She set an example by actually ending the relation wherein she had to endure so much.


3. Saba – Meri Zaat Zarra E Benishan

Ahh this one was sooo close to my heart. Often we see a woman forgiving all the pain a man caused her and moving on with that man. No matter how much the man has hurt them (a few examples: humsafar, Dil e Muztar, Mere Humrahi,…) I’m not saying that these serials weren’t good but still it was a but difficult to believe how these women could so easily forget everything. But here Saba refused to go back and decided to live her life on her own. Praise for Samia Mumtaz for portraying her role so brilliantly.


4. Aiman – Mere Humdum Mere Dost

I know most of you won’t agree right now but after reading the novel I am preity sure that Aiman is a strong girls in spe. In the beginning it seemed like it was Romaisa Part II but not anymore. Aiman is becoming a strong, independant, intelligent girl. I’ m sure she will impress us in the coming episodes.


5. Durre Shehwar – Durre Shehwar

Last but not least again our very lovely Sanam Baloch playing a difficult role with complete justice. There is this quote “sometimes the strongest women are the ones that love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles nobody knows about” and this one is totally the case for Durre Shehwar. She is someone who sacrificed everything just to build her home. Mansoor was far from perfect but she did not give up and eventually changed him into a loving and caring husband. Hats off for this brilliant woman!


So that’s my list. Share your thoughts about it.

Thanks for reading


My name is Shozib Ali. I have done Bachelors in Media Sciences. Currently Working as an administrator and content writer for reviewit.

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