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Surkh Chandni Episode 14 & 15 Story Review – Enjoyable Episodes

Opening Thoughts – Enjoyable Episodes:

Ohkay so, this episode of Surkh Chandni covered the high & low moments of Aida’s life. The best thing that I found about this episode was that Aida finally decided to move on & stop sulking. This drama I guess is done with the depressing phase & now things are shaping up for Amaan & Aida’s better future & I can not wait to see. I thoroughly enjoyed watching these two episodes of Surkh Chandni & can not wait to see what comes next. The direction is pretty good & the acting to be seen in this drama is exceptional.

Amaan Convinced Aida To Stop Feeling Guilty:

Before talking about any character, I would love to discuss Safina. I love her character, I am glad that Huma Nawab finally got such a substantial & memorable character to play. Safina’s wisdom, her strength, her courage & most importantly her optimistic approach towards life is inspiring. It is amazing that even though things have not been in Safina & Amaan’s favor, she still sees the light at the end of the tunnel & always tells her son to think that way too. Safina not only knows how to take a stand for her son but she is not even scared to call spade a spade in front of selfish people like Mukhtar & Shumaila. Safina knows that nothing good can be expected from them but she still gave them a piece of her mind because she knew that this was her moral duty to do so & speak against their tyranny that they were directing towards their sister Rukhsana. I am so glad that this drama has covered so many aspects & has so many dynamic characters, it somehow makes this entire picture wholesome & completes this drama on another level.

So, Amaan & Aida finally got married but they had no idea that their problems were far from being over. Aida was estranged from her family & she found a security & a home because of Safina & Amaan. Even though that was enough for Aida, Amaan & Safina, they all had no idea that no one around them was going to let them live in peace. Amaan & Aida’s marriage was their personal choice & decision but people around them thought otherwise. This is yet another bitter reality that has been covered in this drama’s story where everyone feels it’s their duty to judge the decisions made by others. Instead of being courteous or considerate towards Aida & all that she has been through, the neighbors made sure to let Safina & Amaan know that Aida was not welcomed in this building.

This entire episode focused on how Amaan & Safina were still fighting for Aida & her right of living a peaceful life. Safina informed Rukhsana about Amaan & Aida’s marriage & that was one sweet scene, but I loved how she put both Shumaila & Mukhtar in their right places before sharing the news with her sister. Amaan was done fighting & even though he was doing it all to encourage & empower Aida, what broke his heart was that she still saw herself as guilty & held herself responsible for putting Amaan & Safina through all of this. Amaan wanted Aida to hold her head high & face the world, this way he knew that no one will be able to break her or tear her confidence apart. It took a lot for Amaan to finally convince Aida & she realized it. Aida felt that Amaan was doing so much for her, the least she could do was not sulk anymore & just be happy for him & this is what she finally decided she’s going to do. Aida took a little step towards normalcy, she decided to come back to life for her husband Amaan. It was sweet but then, their happiness was short-lived.

So, Shumaila has now started resenting Mukhtar. She was alright with the kind of life she was leading with Mukhtar but now she has started finding faults in everything that he does or says. Shumaila is not happy with Mukhtar & that is also because of Junaid. Shumaila would’ve never thought of this but Junaid’s constant reminders have forced her to consider how her life will be if she gets married to a younger, richer man like Junaid. Shumaila was always selfish & it won’t be a surprise if she will choose Junaid over Mukhtar. Shumaila’s friend has also started to push her towards Junaid, she thinks this proposal basically means the luck is knocking on her door & she shouldn’t turn this golden opportunity away. Junaid has started playing his game & he has decided to distance Mukhtar from Shumaila, that way he will be able to pursue her easily & they both will be able to meet freely without Shumaila being distracted by the thoughts of her husband. Junaid is ought to destroy Shumaila’s life but then she is also responsible for being content with what she has rather than playing with fire. They both surely deserve each other.

Closing Thoughts – Amazing:

Overall, this episode of Surkh Chandni was on a positive side but then it ended on a very sad & dramatic note. Amaan suffered injuries & this will again put Aida in a shell where she will hold herself responsible & probably think that going away from Amaan’s life is the best option. The direction & the acting seen in Surkh Chandni is definitely amazing. I must say, Sohai Ali Abro, Mansha Pasha, Asad Siddique, Osman Khalid Butt & Hassan Ahmed have done a great job. This episode however, belonged to Huma Nawab, not only for her character but also for her acting. I thoroughly enjoyed watching this episode but I hope things don’t slow down or go in a loop with Aida feeling guilty once again. Please share your thoughts about these episodes of Surkh Chandni.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.


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