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Teri Raza Episode 23 Review – Negative Nancy!

Another week, another ridiculous episode of Teri Raza. I must say it is absolutely necessary for the writer to explain her mind set, her thought process in regards to Suhana’s character, like what was she trying to achieve by showing a character like her? So many episodes have passed & the purpose of this story remains a mystery!

Suhana is one such person who no matter what, finds a way to remain unhappy. When she herself chose to get married to Imtiyaz, she degraded everyone around her & blamed them for her unhappiness but now when she got married to the love of her life, I thought she’d be over the moon but that wasn’t the case. Suhana fought this entire case for the sake of her own happiness so now when she got what she wanted, why was she so upset? It seems Suhana sees her parents as punching bag, that is why now again she was blaming them for not paying much attention to her? Suhana knew that getting married to Rameez would cause a dent in her relation with her parents so why is she expecting so much? Suhana is someone who wants to be everyone’s center of attention & since that is not happening, she is again upset?

I really do not understand what the writer is trying to establish by showing ex spouses in contact with one another? Suhana couldn’t connect with Imtiyaz when she was married to him & now he’s the first person who pops in her mind whenever she feels like venting out? Looks like the writer doesn’t know a basic phenomenon called ‘moving on’, which is what people do when they end a relationship. Chalo, at first they showed that both Imtiyaz & Suhana spoke by accident but then later Imtiyaz knew that Suhana hurt her foot? Who told him that? & why? Definitely it was Suhana who did it, so again why? Now when she is married to Rameez, he is all she ever wanted so why is there a space in her life to connect with Imtiyaz? What for? Also, it is such a shame to see Suhana shamelessly using the car that her ex-husband gifted her & making the money over the business which he sponsored for her!?!?! When this girl has everything going for her then why is she not happy???

Rameez & even his mother think that Suhana shouldn’t cut ties with her parents & their motive is very clear, it is only because they know that Suhana comes from an affluent family & her parents are financially sound so they don’t want to miss the opportunity of getting any kind of advantages because of that!

I thought Suhana’s parents would be yearning for her & she’d be too busy living her dream life with Rameez but that wasn’t the case as she was acting all salty that her parents estranged her? Suhana is a nightmare & I loved when all of her apprehensions were proven wrong by Manzura when she informed Suhana that Rameez took her parents’ help in paying the hospital bills. It is good that now Suhana’s negative energies will be redirected towards Rameez & her parents will be spared because they never were at fault in the first place. Yes, Suhana’s parents are worst written characters too but at least they are not at fault, that is why I am siding with them because I feel they do not deserve what Suhana is putting them through.

I still can not get over the fact that Sanam Baloch chose such a negative character to make a come back? I have started finding Sanam Baloch irritating because of her image as Suhana. Anyways, please share your thoughts about this episode of Teri Raza & oh don’t forget to wish Suhana good luck as she has to count garlic cloves & green chillies everyday (serves her right)!

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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