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Teri Raza Episode 25 Review – Ridiculous!

Seriously, where has the story of this drama gone to? It is so obvious that the makers of Teri Raza are so not in a mood to end it that is why they are adding one hideous scenario after another to just churn out more & more episodes.

Where the focus should be on Suhana & the makers should be hurrying up in giving closure to her track, they shifted the entire focus on Talat, Zafar & Daadi as if the viewers were going to be thrilled seeing their story? When the side characters start taking more screen time, that’s when you know the writer has nothing left to show.

Talat met Suhana despite being told not to by her husband Zafar. Where Talat fixed her matters with Suhana, she ended up getting the threat of divorce by her husband? It is so amusing how these guys behave so dramatically over things only to later forget what they said before.

To be honest, seeing Daadi behaving like a lunatic actually scared me because I had a feeling that all the viewers of Teri Raza including me might end up like her, clueless & lunatic if this drama wouldn’t end in the near future. I am sure since Daadi is bored, has nothing to do & is quirky, she came up with a plan to act like this, in order to make Zafar realize that he can’t live without Talat, but then again, can anyone tell me, what is the purpose of all this?

Imtiyaz is still not over Suhana, so if this is how he was going to behave then what was the point of divorcing her? Well, for the first time Suhana felt that she ruined her relationship with Imtiyaz after she saw how much her mother was concerned even after her father threatened her with divorce, but then again it is going to be of no use since Suhana’s ego is too big to admit that she committed a huge blunder by getting married to Rameez.

It is funny how Suhana’s life has become a lie, she lied to her mother saying her husband makes a lot of money whereas in reality, all he does is play games on his phone! Seema’s concerns are valid & she is justified in feeling awkward about the way Imtiyaz is still not over Suhana & how he is still taking care of her expenses? Suhana really sounds like a hypocrite when she speaks about ‘khud-dari’ because if she would have been khud-dar, she wouldn’t have shamelessly accepted financial support from Imtiyaz, her ex-husband, the one she resented & despised! Anyways, please share your thoughts about this episode of Teri Raza.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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