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Teri Raza Episode 26 Review – Torture!

Ohkay so, not that it had any purpose when it began but still, the recent turn of events are making it look like the writer herself got confused midway as to what she was trying to prove or convey, that is why everything that has been happening now isn’t making much sense to be honest!

I think in stead of naming this drama as Teri Raza, the writer should have gone for Suhana Ki Raza, because even though everything has happened according to her wish, she still finds a way to whinge about one thing or the other! First, Suhana was unhappy with Imtiyaz, she got rid of him & got married to Rameez; now she is unhappy with him too but just because she can not admit it due to her big ego, she is now unhappy with her father for reasons best known to the writer. When Suhana got married to Rameez, she was mad at her parents that they are not concerned about her, but later when they did some gestures out of sheer concern for their daughter, she still found a reason to be mad at them? Seriously, I fancied the notion when Suhana told Imtiyaz that she should die because such an unreasonably unhappy soul would find solace that way!

Oh yes, Suhana repeatedly said that she has started to understand a few things, which obviously are related to Rameez & his attitude but then, if she is mad & unhappy, it doesn’t mean she can use her parents as punching bags because things didn’t go according as per her liking! I feel happy everytime I see Rameez mistreating her because this is what she deserves. Suhana cries about the fact that everyone thinks she is the culprit but then why doesn’t she feel bad when she blames her parents for every single thing that has gone wrong in her life?

Imtiyaz is still stuck in the past, that is why he makes sure to let Suhana know that he is still there for her. I cringe when I now see Suhana confiding in Imtiyaz as he understands her, because if that’s the case then why didn’t she develop any understanding when she was actually married to him?

It was good that Seema tried to show Suhana a mirror but then she is someone who doesn’t believe in seeing her own faults, that’s why she chose to ignore everything that Seema said. Also, it is so irritating that Suhana uses her relationship with Imtiyaz as something to boast about because in order to put Seema down, she made sure to remind her that she was once married to Imtiyaz!?!?! This girl is in literal sense messed up. Also, another thing that Suhana was unhappy about was Imtiyaz & Seema’s engagement. She reminds me of those spoiled teenagers who think the entire universe revolves around them & when their bubble is burst they throw a hissy fit & Suhana is exactly doing the same! Anyways, please share your thoughts about this episode of Teri Raza!

Keep Supporting,
Zahra Mirza.

PS: Does anyone know when this drama ends?

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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