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Teri Raza Episode 9 & 10 Review – Ridiculous!

Ohkay so, going by the previous 2 episodes, just when I was beginning to feel that the story & the characters of this drama were now starting to make some sense, this episode came as a ride that evokes motion sickness & makes you nauseous. The story & the characters were once again all over the place & the amount of screaming that happened in this particular episode has left me temporarily deafened. It is amusing to see the writer’s thought process where she is creating one unrealistic scenario after another to keep Suhana & Rameez linked with each other, so much so that almost the entire time I am left wondering where does this happen & on which planet?

I am not too sure what to make out of Suhana’s character, like in the previous episode, she was furious that her cousin Seema got a ride from Imtiyaz to the hospital when her mother was suddenly hospitalized, so much so that Suhana ended up misbehaving with her only to later apologize. It was quite considerate of Imtiyaz to bring Seema to his home & politely requesting her to clear off any misunderstanding that Suhana had. Even though it was Suhana who told Imtiyaz that he shouldn’t have put Seema in an awkward position but for Imtiyaz, Suhana’s peace of mind mattered the most & he made sure to do everything that would guarantee it. To me, Suhana is just like an immature, spoiled brat who wants things her way, even though she is not into this marriage but she didn’t appreciate Seema’s candidness with Imtiyaz? Why so? I am sure this was not because Suhana has become a bit possessive about her husband, it was more like Suhana didn’t have anything to create an issue over, so she grabbed this opportunity to keep her face forlorn for a couple of days more!

Even though Kiran’s character in Kankar had quite a substance but by the end of the drama even she started to irk me, for the reason that she was turning out to be someone who didn’t want anyone to say anything to her & for the exact same reason, Suhana reminded me of Kiran in these episodes as well. Yes, she is trying hard to fulfill her wifely duties but then she is still doing everything to let Imtiyaz know that she is not into this relationship emotionally & mentally & the moment someone says something to her, she goes into ‘mujhe kuch kyun kaha’ mode.

This episode was ridiculous if I have to describe it in one word. Apart from Imtiyaz, every single character was behaving ridiculously & for what reason, I am sure even the writer has no answer to that. It is so obvious that the writer wants to keep Suhana & Rameez linked to each other that is why such ridiculous situations keep on arising which make no sense whatsoever. As if Talat wasn’t enough that even Zafar decided to participate in the circus that his wife was a ring-master of. Just because Imtiyaz recommended Suhana’s friends in his firm for a job, both Talat & Zafar thought it was a good idea to tell Imtiyaz that his wife’s ex-boyfriend is one of the guys who has submitted his CV in his firm? Like seriously? Who would’ve thought of that & why? Why does Talat has these pangs every now & then that compel her to convey it to Imtiyaz that Suhana was dating someone before getting married to him? At one hand she wants Suhana to do everything to make this marriage work & on the other, she herself is doing everything to destroy it. Talat’s fixation with Rameez is beyond me. If Suhana & Imtiyaz have a spat, she calls up Rameez’s mother, now if he applied for a job in Imtiyaz’s firm (which he didn’t), she once again linked it to Suhana & called his mother? I wish Talat & Zafar had more kids because then they’d stop obsessing over Suhana’s ex boyfriend & do something productive.

The entire ex-boyfriend’s mother kidnapping Suhana was such a hilarious scenario & then to add more to the non-serious approach, Rameez’s father Sultan ended up faking a heart-attack to help Suhana run away from his wife’s house-arrest? Seriously? Suhana’s claim that wo Rameez ki aur Rameez uska kya lagta hai was so OTT, but then everyone in this mental family is OTT so no wonder why she was behaving this way. The amount of screaming & yelling that happened in this episode was sickening, like even after muting the TV I could still hear their howling. I must say, the award for coming up with the worst assumptions goes to Manzura, like no surprises why she behaves like a lunatic too, I am sure Suhana’s family has had quite an influence on her. I lol’ed when she told Talat that may be someone had shot Rameez & now Talat will be facing the brunt for it? Uf!

I am sure in the middle of all this, as per the preview, Seema will now try to call to dibs on Imtiyaz, since she is just as desperate as Suhana Desperatana & she has clearly seen that Suhana is still in love with Rameez & Imtiyaz holds no importance in her life, so she will try to make the most of the situation because even she has been behaving like a dog without the bone for quite sometime now, so yep, she will be doing everything to grab the bone this time around. But there’s one thing that I find actually quite amusing, if something happens in Suhana’s life, Rameez is immediately contacted & then blamed, similarly if something happens to Rameez, everyone calls Suhana up as if she is his mother & she has adopted him? Like don’t these guys have a basic common sense that Suhana is now married so why do they assume that she’d be in contact with Rameez, keeping a hawk-eye on his each & every move? This story is beyond ridiculous & I think it can be only watched as a serious-comedy but yes, I will warn all the readers to turn the volume down because these guys are out there with an agenda to deafen you & they can succeed in it considering the amount of screaming they did. I must say I am so disappointed in Sanam Baloch’s overall choice of character & even the portrayal, she has lost her charm, she has clearly forgotten how to act & I think she needs to sit back & revisit her choices if someone (after such a substandard performance) approaches her for another drama! Please share your thoughts about these two episodes of Teri Raza!

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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