Seems like Aamir Liaquat Hussain isn’t satisfied with the ratings of Express TV’s ramzan transmission. The host cum televangelist has been making insensitive remarks about various personalities, adopting cheap antics and doing all in his might to perhaps give a boost to his channel’s ratings. But it seems everything has backfired on Hussain.
Once again Aamir Liaquat is on the receiving end of backlash because of the last aired episode of his Ramzan Transmission where people are accusing him of spreading sectarianism and trying to target a specific religious sect of the society.
People have been calling out Hussain on Twitter, asking PEMRA, the Pakistani media regulatory body to ban Aamir Liaquat for good.
Here’s what Twitter has been saying;
Permra ko es byghrt khalif action lna chaye na k in ko promote krain #PEMRAShouldBanAamirLiaquat #PEMRABanAamirLiaqaut #AhmadisAreMuslims
— Muhammad Msd (@MuhammadMsd6) May 11, 2020
فتنہ گر مردہ باد#PEMRABanAamirLiaqaut
— Ashiq Safar (@AshiqSafar) May 10, 2020
حکومت پاکستان اس فتنہ گر کو لگام دے#PEMRABanAamirLiaqaut
— Zahid Safar (@zahid_safar) May 10, 2020
فتنہ عامر لیاقت فرقہ پرست مولویوں کو بٹھا کر ہر سال رمضان میں شیعہ فرقے کو ٹارگٹ کرتا ہے قاری خلیل الرحمٰن اور مفتی حنیف قریشی ہمیشہ اپنا شیعہ بغض دکھاتے ہیں۔۔ پیمرا اندھی ہے؟جان بوجھ کر ملک می فسادات کروانا چاہتی ہے؟ پیمرا عامر لیاقت پر پابندی لگائے۔— Zahra zaidi (@theizahra) May 10, 2020
PEMRA licensees have been directed that Aamir Liaquat Hussain would not appear in any talk shows, news, current affairs programmes, shows, play, promos,— Samira Nisar (@NisarSamira) May 10, 2020
Please call or email to @reportpemra to ban @AamirLiaquat because now he is crossing the limits, as he did stupidity with#PEMRAShouldBanAamirLiaquat
— Asad Abbas (@asad_abbas12) May 10, 2020
Every #Ramadan This Stupid Person Showed such kind of stupidity and created the conflicts of Religious hate between Muslim Community.@AamirLiaquat@reportpemra#PEMRAShouldBanAamirLiaquat
— Zeeshan Ali Haider (@zahaider14_ali) May 10, 2020
Joke of the year
one trend is AamirLiaquat OurPride.
Every thing is possible in this country.#Expose_Qadyani_ProMinisters— Asad Ali (@asadali823) May 10, 2020
Hypocrite of the century,
Most controversial person.@AamirLiaquat #PEMRAShouldBanAamirLiaquat— M Anwar Ul Haq (@anwarulhaq913) May 10, 2020
Implement lifetime ban on @AamirLiaquat very very cheap person#PEMRAShouldBanAamirLiaquat
— Hassan Abbas (@h_118) May 10, 2020
We Demand To @reportpemra
To Ban @AamirLiaquat Due to Hosting the Irresponsible Program And Spreading the Sectarian Hate Among The Muslims. #PEMRAShouldBanAamirLiaquat— Zain ul Abideen 🇵🇰 (@mrxainu) May 10, 2020