Urvashi Rautela is an Indian actress and model who became the talk of the town after posting an edited video on her official Instagram account, which featured Pakistani cricketer Naseem Shah. Soon after she shared the clip, internet users trolled the actress for showing interest in Naseem Shah as they stated that he’s a young guy who’s just 19 years old. However, Naseem Shah while responding to the rumors said that he’s unaware of the video and he don’t even know who Urvashi is.
Song is hurting đź’”#UrvashiRautela pic.twitter.com/us8XnlCX8y
— Mahi🇵🇰 (@Momminahh) September 6, 2022
Lately, Urvashi Rautela while answering media question regarding Naseem Shah, mentioned that “My media team shared some of the edits on social media and that was one of them. Our fans make such edits with so much love that in order to thank them the team re-share those edits. We are unaware of the people involved in it but I guess that video went out of zone.”
Here’s how audience reacted to Urvashi Rautela’s statement regarding the viral video!