Top 5 This Week

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Veet Miss Super Model – Liberalism or Unnecessary Imposition?

Well I got a chance to see the first episode of Veet Miss Super Model while surfing on YouTube & I’m speechless ever since. I guess there’s nothing much to say about it because it is pretty evident & clearly visible by what the contestants in the show are showing but I really would like to know what are the reviews of others about this particular show.

One thing that left me pondering through out the auditions was about the values that the parents of these young ladies have instilled in them. Didn’t they teach them anything about how modestly even a moderate Muslim girl should dress up or what is right & wrong. All the girls are within the age group of 17-24 & look at how boldly they are presenting themselves & how did they muster up so much of a courage to go out in the world choosing such indecent attires. Another astonishing factor was the enormous number of the girls who came in for auditions & how easily Tapu Zaveri was looking at them from top to bottom. The way they walked on the ramp which was full of male audience was extremely sad.

I really fail to understand the need & importance of shows like these where they are encouraging younger generation to forget exactly what Islam teaches us. I know many would not agree but I believe dressing up is also one of the MAJOR aspects of Islam which should & can not go unnoticed. Another show that has caught my attention is the dance show ‘NACHLAY’ where girls are performing as well. I really detest when the judges tell them ‘MASHA ALLAH, you’re doing a wonderful job’ & even in the Super Model Show everyone goes like ‘INSHA ALLAH I will improve’, ‘INSHA ALLAH I will win’. I am sorry to say but it sounds exactly how it would when someone outside the vicinity of our culture uses this word.

Excuse me for saying this but all the girls who came were not even able to talk properly but the way they projected themselves was totally contradictory to their speaking skills which showed they had nothing attractive in them but just some outer façade which was in utter need of make over. With all due respect I would present my opinion that it’s a high time people should understand the importance of women & understand that women are not some objects worthy of use in order to sell their products & women on their own should understand that they have more towards them than just a pair of fake eye lashes & unrecognisable photos of their own.

I pray for the Hidayah of all the ladies who at one point of time will have families of their own. Ameen.

Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.


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