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Visaal Episode 12 – Review!

Ohkay so, this episode of Visaal was interesting but after seeing the promo of the next episode, I am not sure if I will be given enough reasons to feel the same way as I do about this drama now. I enjoy the subtle humor that they have embedded in different situations & this is why I like tuning to this drama!

Naheed finally brought herself to confess the truth in front of Pari but unfortunately she didn’t get the chance to say anything. Pari who is so pre-occupied with the thoughts of her father couldn’t really comprehend what Naheed was saying & how she was crying because they both are pretty close & have spent a lifetime together to understand each other but Pari wasn’t in the right state of mind to read between the lines & see that Naheed was guilt-stricken & really wanted to get something off her chest! I am wondering now when will Naheed again bring herself to let go of the darkest secret that she is hiding because it really needs to be said in order for the story to move forward.

Akram continued to score brownie points in front of Pari & form an impression on her plus what Naheed did is going to give him so many chances to win her heart. The rickshaw scene with Akram thinking about the prospects of him having a bike was so funny. The way the editors have used that background score to further elaborate Akram’s evil intentions is perfect as it adds more comic quotient to the entire situation! Akram on his own has set himself a challenge & that is why he decided to meet the security guard too but he didn’t get much clues but for starters, he has done a good job!

Shabbir was being treated but his health was deteriorating. Ghufran & everyone else was concerned about the hospital bills as everyone in that locality has limited resources. All these conversations add realism to this drama & also highlight how everyone in this locality is so close knit that they all came together to find a solution to the problem at hand.

I am sure Jumman Bua’s Devrani is not going to sit still untill she finds out the truth & reveals Akram’s true face in front of everyone. She clearly remembers Akram & his mother Shakira so I am sure this is the curveball that Akram will have a very very hard time dodging. Naheed’s mother who already is paranoid couldn’t really ignore what the lady said about Akram & his background. Even though this is Molvi Ghufran’s strength that he is so nice but this is his weakness too & that is why he still didn’t for a second doubt Akram even after he heard everything from his wife. I would hate to see him getting hurt but then this is what Naheed called upon herself!

The preview of the next episode left me shocked. Please don’t tell me that they are going to turn the anti-hero into a hero because if this is what Akram will do, it will make him a murderer & probably kill the charm that his character has. Yes, he is a con but there is still something likeable about him & I so hope that doesn’t get taken away from his character as this is what makes the drama interesting. Please share your thoughts!

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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