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Visaal Episode 15 Review – Entertaining!

Ohkay so, this drama honestly keeps on getting better & better. What I love the most about Visaal is that even before one situation is done & dusted, another one comes to the forefront for the characters to face & deal with. Even though things have been more or less the same from the last few episodes but still there’s enough elaboration to keep us engaged & entertained!

Akram’s now focusing on only one thing & that is to isolate Pari in such a manner that she only sees him in the hour of need. Akram has his plan set, he wants to drift Pari & Naheed apart & he knows that’s no easy feat. Akram will definitely do something that will create enough distance between the girls for them to ever overcome it because Akram will keep on making sure that they never ever communicate. Akram hasn’t confronted Naheed & he doesn’t intend to either because he knows that she is not going to confess so easily & that is why he is not wasting his time on doing something that won’t yeild him any results!

Akram also took care of another issue, which was Pari’s marriage & proposals. As usual, he relied on his friend to once again create a drama in front of those who were concerned for Pari’s marriage. Naheed did give Pari a genuine advice that if Taimur ever comes back, she should get married to him but then Pari has realized that he is just a coward who will never do anything that causes a dent on his image & I agree, I hold the same opinion about Taimur too because he proved how weak he was when he chose to leave by just leaving a letter for Pari behind!

Akram’s problems are far from being over. I like how the writer has kept it realistic that even though Akram is mostly winning at things, the curveballs still keep coming his way. First it was Jumman Bua’s Devrani & now it was Ghufran’s sudden plan of going to Multan to attend a conference. I am sure even though Ghufran doesn’t doubt Akram, his wife has planted a seed in his mind due to which he now wants to meet Akram’s family. Let’s see how Akram will dodge this bullet!

Overall, it was a very interesting episode & I enjoyed it thoroughly. I must say I loved the reactions Akram had when Naheed’s mother was sincerely telling him all about those lifelong teachings that she has given to Naheed on how to be a dutiful wife – that Insha Allah at the end of the conversation did the trick & I was in a laughter fit. I know, even though Akram is a very quirky character, I find humor & realism in him in a way that in real lives people are at times exactly like him, where they sugar-coat their true feelings & pose to be all nice & sweet in front of some people. Even though things are pretty dramatic in this drama, I love it for the fact that there are some touches of reality which actually spark a humor too. It for sure is a very intelligently written, directed & acted script. However I do wish there was more to Pari’s character than a bucket full of tears, like we have Naheed who has so many layers, Akram as well but Pari even though rightfully simple & sweet now seems a little boring because all she does is just cry her eyes out. I know life hasn’t given her any reason to smile or be happy but still, you get what I’m saying, right! Anyways, Zahid Ahmed once again stole the show. Looking forward to the next episode. Please share your thoughts!

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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