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Yakeen Ka Safar Episode 03 Review – Realistic Portrayal of Reality!

Ohkay so, this episode of Yakeen Ka Safar was detailed & slow but in a good way. I like the fact that the director is taking things slow by giving us an in-depth view into every situation while still making a lot of progress. While watching this episode, my eyes stayed glued to the screen because of the phenomenal performances with which all the actors have brought life to their characters & I must say, the writer & the director should take a bow for such a convincing portrayal of harsh realities.

So, Noori despite being told not to, decided to unveil the culprit & unfortunately for her, he happens to be the son of local politician who obviously has power, authority & resources. In that entire scene, what I loved the most was the little supporter that Noori had. It was heart-warming to see that where this sort of courage & support should’ve come to Noori by her parents, especially her mother, her younger brother had faith in Noori & he was ready to fight for her. I must say the child artist added so much of warmth & honesty in that scene which was filled with negativity that was being spread by the policemen. They surely shed a light on the fact how insensitive policemen can get with the rape victims where in stead of inquiring about what the girl went through, they become self-proclaimed judges who deem it as their moral right to point fingers at a girl’s character because in their ‘mardana’ mind, a man can never be wrong & if a girl gets violated physically, it is only because she had a loose character!

Zubiya was finding it hard to pick up the pieces after her mother has left. I loved how they showcased that in the absence of a mother, how the home becomes a house where there was no one to welcome Zubiya or place food in front of her. I loved those little shots where they showed how Zubiya had to fetch her lunch herself & sat there in seclusion only with her mother’s memories.

Sheema in my opinion got a lot of coverage in this episode & I hope in the coming episodes, we don’t get to see her much because honestly speaking, there’s nothing new or different to her that I would want to see. Sheema took a day to turn into a typical bhabhi who obviously is showing her true colors because she is not happy with the current situation. Sheema is not only ungrateful but she is someone who doesn’t know what it is like to be content in life. She has everything going for her, she has a husband, a son, a luxurious lifestyle but just because she has a father in law who is authoritative & treats her husband like an employee at work, she is unhappy. The way Rehan smiled at her was something sweet like at least he understands his wife’s perspective & has a laid back attitude when it comes to her because he knows her complaints are never ending. To be honest, I don’t mind Sheema’s character & attitude, but yes, I will when she will start creating problems for Zubiya. With Sheema being so dominating & controlling, I am not sure how long Rehan will be able to keep up with his support & sympathy that he feels for Zubiya because Sheema is constantly trying to draw his attention away from his little sister. Rehan is quite submissive, which is not a bad thing but in general, he is failing to draw a line & maintaining a balance which definitely will affect Zubiya in the future.

At least Rehan showed that he was considerate towards Zubiya’s feelings when he told her that she should’ve asked for her college fee from her & not Khalil but then again, Zubiya was forced to remind him that he wasn’t there when she was looking forward to talk to him. I must say, even though this character is quite annoying, I enjoy watching Khalil’s scenes, like I find myself laughing during his scenes because Ehtashamuddin has portrayed this character so realistically. I must say, Khalil has quite a lot of nakhras when it comes to food & even though he may not say it, his wife took good care of him because of which he has developed such taste buds & now when she is no more, even he is finding it hard to adjust to new people taking care of his basic needs. I liked the exchange of words that happened between Sheema & Khalil, like he is well aware of everything that happens under his roof & not only that, he is well aware of everyone’s nature, that is why he knew that Sheema had her sights on her mother in law’s gold, which he made sure to get it back from her possession!

Well, Jahangir’s mother thinks he is a bacha & he was seeking maafi for his ghalti. LOL! Kya bacha hai aur kya ghalti hai aur kya uski maafi thi. To be honest, they have perfectly highlighted how power & authority can turn human beings into animals, that is why even Jahangir’s father Rab Nawaz wasn’t ashamed of what his son did, but in stead he was worried that this might cost him his seat in upcoming elections as the opposition party was looking for reasons to bring him down. I must say I enjoyed his speech at Women’s Day Conference because through him, the drama makers showed the real face of the politicians who only tell lies when they speak to the general public & use heavy words like izzat, tahaffuz, muzahmat which are meaningless to them because when it comes to their own family members, they have completely different set of rules. Rab Nawaz didn’t even breathe in between his speech since he was so focused on convincing women that he was in the favor of their support while easily concealing the truth that he was hiding a rapist in his own home. I found it quite interesting that even Daniyal was present at that conference because I am sure Daniyal is going to be the one who will bring Rab Nawaz & his son Jahangir down. Even though it was for a brief moment, but I liked how they introduced Daniyal’s character as a lawyer who believes in his principles & doesn’t believe in budging for anyone. I am sure Daniyal will bring Noori the justice that she deserves & I am definitely looking forward to that journey.

I had a good time watching this episode, even though the scenarios are grave & the theme of the drama is based on social issues but the director has tried to keep it as less intense as possible, while still maintaining the essence of the story. There is so much that is going to happen in the future episodes & I am already excited to see that because the foundations have been laid in such a convincing manner. I must say, all the actors have done a brilliant job, especially Ehtashamuddin, Sajal Ali & also the girl playing the role of Sheema (help me with her real name please). However, I felt that Shaz Khan was having issues in delivering Urdu dialogues that required a lot of continuity as he clearly seemed uncomfortable & the timing was off too. I hope in the future episodes, Shaz Khan is able to do justice to Daniyal’s character since he has an important role in the story. The direction & the production values are great. I can’t wait to see more. Please share your thoughts about this episode of Yakeen Ka Safar.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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