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Yakeen Ka Safar Episode 07 Review – Intense & Convincing!

Ohkay so, this episode of Yakeen Ka Safar was intense & I actually liked how it got a little slow by the end, like it was needed to calm things down especially after showing so much in both Zubiya & Noori’s tracks. I must say the attention to detail in this drama is commendable, like in every other scene there are very little things that add more realism & depth to the situation, which I actually enjoy watching, as it shows how much effort and hard work the director as well as the actors put in to make this show what it is today.

So, just because Rameez grew a little impatient, he ended up revealing his true face to Zubiya. I am glad that at that moment Zubiya understood everything & took an immediate action by choosing not to fall prey to more of Rameez’s lies. I liked how casually both Zubiya & Asfand crossed paths with each other, even though the situation was unfortunate but their interaction seemed totally convincing. Zubiya was definitely lucky that she not only succeeded in saving herself but also found someone who stopped Rameez from chasing her. I think all the things that those people who gathered around said made a lot of sense because this is how usually such boys and girls are perceived who are found in such a scenario. Yes, people are a bit quick to judge but then again, the fact still remains that Zubiya went to Rameez’s place by her own will. Yes, Zubiya’s intentions were pure as she wanted to get married to him but she is also guilty of crossing the boundary of her home & forsaking her family’s reputation.

Even though I feel for Zubiya a lot especially how I know about her background & the emotional trauma that she went through but the treatment that she got after returning to her home was also realistic because this is exactly how such girls are treated who are caught after being involved with someone. I always had a feeling that Rehan will turn against Zubiya & I always thought that Sheema will brain feed him, yes Sheema has played a major part in what has happened but then at this stage Zubiya is guilty too & she herself has done such a thing that no one will forgive her for. It is unfortunate but it is the truth that no one in such circumstances try to get into the girl’s head to understand why she took such a step & what pushed her to do such stuff, like in this case Rehan or even Khalil didn’t even think much about what they might’ve done wrong or where they must’ve shown the negligence for Zubiya to find comfort in a stranger. Asfand stumbling upon Zubiya’s Student ID & Zubiya’s swollen face suggesting that she got brutally hit by Rehan were a few little details that I found quite convincing. Asfand just picked her Student’s ID up but I am sure this will bring him to her in the future, how, I am definitely looking forward to that!

So, finally Jahangir & two of his friends were arrested & were made to appear in the court. For the first time we got to see the difference in the ideologies of both Usman & Daniyal. Even though Usman has made a name for himself in this field & he is considered to be one of the most well-reputed lawyers in the country, but the way he showed signs of distress & disapproved Daniyal’s choices suggested that he has earned this spot by playing it safe, whereas Daniyal is not only enthusiastic to bring a change but wants to help people as much as he can even if it means putting himself in danger. Where Usman believes in putting his safety & comfort first, Daniyal believes in taking bigger risks to reap bigger rewards. This showed the first clash that both the father & the son being lawyers had but I am sure Daniyal is someone who will stick to his decision. It was good to see Daniyal getting a support of his wife Gaiti because she knows what this means to Daniyal & how much he wants to help Noori out but it was also quite sweet of her to remind him that he should be mindful of his safety as well because she knows how things work especially in the matters or cases that involve powerful & resourceful politicians.

I liked the fact that they showed us the true face of media in this episode too. It just took one false statement of the lawyer to convince the news reporter that may be Noori was at fault & this entire case was staged to bring Jahangir or Rab Nawaz down. Very conveniently Rab Nawaz’s lawyer put the entire blame on the opposition party saying they are trying to frame Rab Nawaz & his family, which actually seemed to spark the interest of the news reporter. The way the reporter turned lawyer’s allegation into a question for Noori showed how for them ratings matter the most & they don’t really believe in ethics, morals or have any sense of right or wrong!

I liked how Daniyal’s little act of kindness where he brought books for Noori put her in such a good mood. It showed that it takes a very small gesture to show someone the right path & help someone in finding a direction in life. Noori seemed quite touched by Daniyal’s faith in her where he told her to pursue her education, it showed how victims of these atrocities can be & should be treated, with utmost respect and also how they need people around them who can put their trust in them & give them the confidence to come out of the dark past. For the first time Noori was seen thinking about herself & her future, which happened after Daniyal showed her the right direction. As usual, Rab Nawaz resorted to the cheap tactics of threatening Noori’s family, even though I felt bad for Noori’s mother & siblings, I didn’t feel anything for her father Lateef because this served him right. Lateef thought that just by estranging Noori, he will be able to get away from every responsibility of being her father but it showed him that no matter what he’ll do, it will still haunt him. I hope Bilal contacts Daniyal & tells him how Rab Nawaz’s goons threatened his entire family & how they shifted to a new place.

So, Khalil finally got a much awaited reality check, even though I feel bad that it is Zubiya who has become a reason behind it but still, he needed this. For the first time in life Khalil was at a loss of words because he realized how easy it was to spew venom against others’ daughters but when it came to him, his hands were tied & so was his tongue. Where did that Khalil go who claimed that he would either kill himself or his daughter if she’d do something like that? It showed how weak he was & how his weakness was haunting him because despite wanting to, he was unable to do anything. It wasn’t like Zubiya didn’t return home, she did & she was right there sitting under his roof but Khalil chose to isolate himself & reflect on all of his past mistakes. Another detail which I picked was how Khalil was eating the same breakfast in the flashback scene, like they have shown some consistency in both his attitude & his lifestyle. Khalil was reminded of how he took advantage of his wife’s helplessness & her weakness where she couldn’t leave him because of their kids but now, nothing can be undone & this is his punishment. It was actually quite surprising how right in front of Khalil, Sheema was speaking to every other relative on the phone giving them details about Zubiya but Khalil couldn’t say a word as he was too pre-occupied with his own thoughts. This was the same Khalil who told everyone to keep their tongues tied when it came to his wife’s death but now he had no control over what was happening around him because he himself was feeling defeated. Another little detail that I noticed & enjoyed in the background was Sheema’s expressions, like she was enjoying seeing the suffering of her father in law because she was getting her revenge & also how she got a little restless when her husband Rehan said he will leave this house, like this is something that she doesn’t even want to think about so the sudden change in her expression was perfect!

Overall, this episode was quite intense & was directed perfectly. All the actors added a lot of depth in all the situation, be it Rameez & his portrayal of sick intentions or Sheema, who was finding peace in the suffering of her father in law, or Zubiya who was shook to no end or Noori who was finding it hard to stay strong, all the actors have done a commendable job & deserve a lot of praises for acting their characters to perfection. Even though Ehtashamuddin didn’t have much dialogues but the way he portrayed Khalil’s suffering that too in silence was phenomenal, like just by looking at him & his body language you could see the storm that was brewing in his heart, mind & soul, it was amazing. I love the soundtrack that they have used in the intense situations, I just find it daunting but in a very nice way, if that makes sense, lol. I thoroughly enjoyed watching this episode & the preview seems interesting. I like how Noori’s track is panning out but at this point I am more interested in Zubiya’s track. Please share your thoughts about this episode of Yakeen Ka Safar.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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