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Yeh Raha Dil Episode 25 Review – Interesting Episode!

Ohkay so, it was quite an interesting episode of Yeh Raha Dil. I enjoyed it & this episode reminded me why I fell in love with this drama in the first place, because all the scenes had a purpose & there were so many conversations which were fun & had humor in them. It looks like they are heading towards the closure therefore all the loose ends have started getting tied, which is finally the kind of progress that I was waiting for!

So, it wasn’t only Hayat who on her own was trying to stop Fatima from going, but even attempts were being made by Affaq too, even he didn’t want Fatima to leave because he genuinely loves her. It was good that Hayat finally played the trump card & revealed the biggest secret in front of Fatima. While watching this entire scenario, I was actually liking Hayat’s involvement in this entire affair but then it reminded me that just last week I was feeling that Hayat’s nose-poking wasn’t making any sense, then it made me realize that when things are dragged, that’s what usually happens, where even those characters that you love & relate to just stop making sense to you. I still wish they hadn’t added so many episodes in this drama because the charm would’ve still stayed intact. I loved the little hug that Hayat & Fatima shared as a mother & daughter, I loved their conversations too. Fatima would’ve never thought that Hayat would end up becoming someone she’d confide in & she’d keep her secret hidden with her for the rest of her life.

Affaq & Fatima’s conversation was another highlight of the episode for me. It was so cute seeing two mature people admitting their mistakes, rekindling the love they had for each other & reminding themselves of all those smallest of details which made them fall in love with each other in the first place. Fatima did realize that Affaq didn’t want her to go & seeing Affaq remaining unaffected with Fatima’s affair was another positive aspect. Affaq was well aware of his own short-comings too & he knew that he wasn’t there for Fatima when she needed him the most, therefore he decided to undo all of his mistakes & gave this marriage another chance. It was interesting how Affaq thought it was only because of his efforts that Fatima decided to stay whereas he had no idea what a huge favor Hayat did for him & her step-mom!

Nida finally had a conversation with Zaki & told him that it wasn’t because of him that she wanted out of this marriage, but it was because of her own realizations & mistakes that she took this decision. I didn’t really understand Zaki’s hesitation & his stance, like now when things were shaping up, he was stopping Nida from doing the right thing. Yes, he isn’t selfish & him not jumping with joy at that very moment made sense too but still, he should’ve understood Nida in stead of stopping her from saying what she wanted to. Just when I was enjoying the entire episode & found it a strong one after a few weeks, there came Hassan as a reminder of the of the reason why this drama was dragged. I felt may be for the first time Hayat had this admiration for Hassan seeing his simplicity & decency. I am sure now Hayat would be at the brink of saying yes to Hassan just when Nida will tell her that she is backing out!

It was a good episode & I had a great time watching it. I really think they should end this drama now. The conversation between Jimmy & Affaq did suggest that may be our favorite DJ will make an appearance again on the wedding functions & if that’s the case, then I can’t wait for his performance already. Khalla, Bait ul Khalla & few other dialogues really made this episode interesting. I also loved how Fatima lost her cool while cussing her boyfriend & then immediately composed herself & came back in her element where she is always calm, collected & poised, lol. I loved Ayesha Sana in this episode, it was a treat to watch her & she really has given a lovely personality to Fatima’s character. Please share your thoughts about this episode of Yeh Raha Dil.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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