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Fun accounts to follow on Instagram for amazing content

Instagram is one of the most popular social media applications nowadays. A favorite past time of most people is to scroll through this entertaining application during the day. Many businesses even thrive to provide content through Instagram which has made the platform a means to making money. On the other hand, there are accounts which churn out content for the sake of entertainment and acknowledgement. Here is our list of accounts you should follow for your daily dose of laughter:


Swinnery uses animojis sharing hilarious anecdotes sometimes which are only 10 secs long but leave you laughing out loud. Her characters include a cute koala bear who always has questions ready for his teacher, a gossip aunty who can’t stop talking about Shazia’s daughter, an old grumpy granny, a liberal guy from abroad vacationing in Pakistan, an owl stuck in class 2 in Pakistan and many more. The account has 245K followers and many fans from Pakistan and abroad.

Moinazim Graphics

Moin Nazim is a graphic designer, illustrator and comic artist. His artwork is based on everyday surroundings and stories which usually portray an underlying message. Not your usual comic artist, Moin is talented and has gathered over 60K followers on his Instagram.

Comics by Arslan (CBA)

Comics by Arslan is a naturally gifted funny man with a charming voice who can make videos on almost any topic. His videos range from hilarious commentary on songs, ads, cricket matches and what not. But the thing which leaves the audience in awe is his impeccable attention to detail in every video. He also provides underlying social messages in his videos which is truly commendable. CBA uses YouTube to promote his videos and has huge following on almost every social media platform.

Qualitea posts

I recently stumbled across this page and couldn’t stop scrolling through it. Qualitea posts combines separate videos and audios to bring together hilarious content. My favorite ones have to the animated Disney videos which are amalgamated with Bollywood music. The best part about the videos is that they sync extremely well with the audio that it is difficult to tell if they are even edited or not. Qualitea posts is only 9 months old and has already gained a following of 33K followers and is fast growing everyday.

Just here to ruin your day

Just here to ruin your day literally follows what the name suggests. The content provides amalgamation of pictures placed together which to be honest one could not even imagine. The kind of stuff which literally makes you want to hold your stomach because you can’t stop laughing at the creativity of the artist. With 100K+ followers, there is no stopping this page!


Slurp is owned by a talented bunch of youngsters from India who makes hilarious video memes with voice overs. While some videos even feature the owners themselves, they also collaborate with other platforms for double the fun.

So which page are you going to start following for fun, quirky content?

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