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Aabro – Episode 22!

Ohkay so, this episode practically had nothing to offer & I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that the parents of the toddlers & the toddlers themselves are only worried about the issue of marriage & forget the toddlers, an infant like Aima is buying diamond rings, LOL! How pathetic!

Ahmed is on the loop that he only wants to get married to Afsheen. Ali & Aabro are on the loop about how they will never get the apology they are living their life in a hope of. Zubaida is on the loop regarding Afsheen’s entrapment of Ahmed & that’s the pattern this drama is following since so many episodes, are they going to move the story forward or shall we stop watching because the message that we all were waiting for hasn’t been conveyed & the drama has turned into a brand new season of GEO’s old reality show Shadi Online!!!

Sorry, no sympathies for Ali & Aabro because they couldn’t do anything to improve their lives & their condition but the worst thing they have done is to force Afsheen to face the brunt of their shortcomings. I am certain of the fact that Ali couldn’t do anything ‘good’ & ‘proper’ in his life & the way he is playing with Afsheen’s life has confirmed the fact! I actually lol’ed when I heard Aabro say ‘tumhe isi din ke liye “””parhaya likhaya””” tha’, err, sorry ma’am passing the exams of 2nd year doesn’t make someone ‘parha likha’ in this day & age. She is just an F.Sc pass & there’s nothing out of this world about it. What infuriated me more was the conversation that Ali & Aabro had about how they knew Ali’s family will never change, so when you guys know it, why are you wasting your daughter’s life to please your cold-hearted mother? Zubaida is a negative character & there’s nothing new about it nor we can do anything about her, but sorry Ali & Aabro are no saints either because those who don’t want to help themselves are losers & they don’t deserve any sympathy.

Samra has brought her daughter to Pakistan in order to get her married to Ahmed. Chalo, Zubaida & Co. were settled in Pakistan so we can understand that they were in a rush to get the toddlers married due to the lack of exposure & typical mentality but Samra supposedly lives in Canada & even her daughter has been born & brought up there, so how come they didn’t choose to broaden their horizons & realize that Shadi wasn’t the thing one should focus on because Samra’s daughter is quite young! I can understand that Afsheen decided to leave her education since her parents stopped her from doing that, Ahmed is not interested in education & Aima is too busy dating an overly grown infant, but to see Samra’s daughter also settling for marriage at such a young age is ridiculous!

WOW! I must say I am impressed because Aima ke nikkay (chote) se boyfriend ne SPAYYSHILLY (specially) Aima ke liye DEMOND ring li hai. I actually couldn’t concentrate on anything after that scene as I became too busy in learning a new & improved pronunciation of the word specially. SPAYSHILLY is the new cool, so thank you baby boyfriend for teaching us something new!

I am not even furious, not even disgusted, I am just numb that a mother like Aabro who raised her daughter with a very nice & different mindset could reduce to this level of barbarianism, because from not accepting the proposal knowing that it was a mismatch she resorted to mindless hitting because she wanted her daughter to sit & wear the ring of the larka who should’ve been referred to as admi throughout the episode. What’s with the sudden flip & switch? I am amazed that just because Aabro was worried that Zubaida will become angry (as if otherwise she’s always in a good mood), she forced Afsheen to go ahead with what her Daadi chose for her.

Anyways, this drama has lost all its charm & I don’t see them redeeming themselves in any way because this story is not about Aabro & Ali anymore, it has become a version of a morning show which is filled with paid actors who are made to fight over petty issues (marriage in this case) brainlessly. The writer had a chance to show something different & show the power of education but nope, this drama has become a perfect example of how the producers make the mostttt (money) out of someone’s misery. Aabro’s never-ending helplessness & Zubaida’s continuously blown nostrils were earning them enough ratings therefore they knew they had a perfect formula to generate the revenue & this is why, they have thrown the quotient of conveying a good message & have made it completely typical which isn’t appeasing to watch anymore. Can someone please tell me when this drama is ending because to see the toddlers arranging their marriages, without worrying about their education isn’t sparking much interest & is making me nauseous! I must say, something is seriously wrong with HUM TV & it is utterly disappointing that they have ruined the credibility of the writer like Umera Ahmed & I must say I am in a disbelief that her name is associated with a play like this! Anyways, please feel free to vent out!

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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