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Aahista Aahista 07 – Oh Phuleeez!!!

You know what? I used to laugh a lot whenever I caught the glimpses of Star Plus dramas as they used to treat household chores as a pivotal part of the story. I never knew there would be a Pakistani drama that would focus on gharelu kaam just to prove a certain point too. Also I think I owe my awesome readers a disclaimer & that is whenever you read the word Awazaar, just know that I am talking about Zawaar. His character has impressed me so much that I have decided to change his name. :)

I actually wish Sarwat Gillani had a better dialogue except for chanting ‘Oh Phuleeeeez’, ‘Oh Phuleeeeeez’ because by the end of the episode there came a time when I heard myself saying ‘Oh Please’ too. I wish when Haya went on a grocery spree, she had bought a pacifier for Sofia, so that she could use it as a ‘dhakkan’ to keep Sofia’s mouth shut. What an annoyance I must say. So what actually happened in this episode? Awazaar was busy running & gardening, Haya filled the bucket of tears to pour some on the flowers, she was doing everything that a housemaid would do & charge $90 for it. Haya would also pour her heart out in a novel like manner in her diary & Sofia would roll her eyes like an owl. Ta-da, this is what episode 07 was all about.

For the first time today I saw the whole title song of the drama & I saw Shehroz Sabzwari in it. I think he’s going to act like Haya’s lifeline because as far as I think, he’d be playing a role of Nousherwaan (Javed Sheikh) Uncle’s son. I am glad they have included Javed Sheikh in the drama too because to see those three withered faces of Awazaar, Haya & Sofia was becoming quite burdensome.

Awazaar had no intentions of feeling remorse for Haya but just because Honey Bee called him & reminded him of his duties, all of a sudden he had a change of heart. I am actually not buying this so-called fact that a man almost in his early 40’s is such a child that he needs someone to hold his finger & show him the way. I never knew a chicken’s life is so long? Does he has no spine of his own where he can actually stand by what’s right & what isn’t. He thinks praising Haya’s ‘salan’ or reminding Sofia of her bad behavior is enough. & what’s with the new trend of referring to the moms like ‘Bee Jaan’ ‘Dai Jaan’ ‘Bee Amman’ ‘Bee Gul’. Ammi kehne walay kahan gaye bahiii??? 

Even though he had no role to play in this episode whatsoever but thank you Awazaar once again for giving us a reason to loathe you. He didn’t forget reminding Haya of how much she loves Bumble Bee & vice versa, so he was actually trying to talk her out of her decision of returning to Pakistan. With a meesna muh of his, he also felt it was important to know what conversation Nousherwaan Uncle had with Haya, because he was too scared of getting busted for having Aik Nahi Do Do Biwiyaan. Tauba Tauba!!!

Finally, seems like chicken will become a rooster in the next episode & he will stand by his decision & will not let Haya return to Pakistan. I am thinking he got bored by eating the Indian curries so just because Haya rekindled his Pakistani taste buds, he’s thinking she’s too precious to let go off. & what’s with the ‘patti’, ‘patti’, ‘patti’ ki ratt. Sorry to say but there’s nothing about Sofia that speaks Indian to me. She dresses like a Pakistani, speaks Urdu fluently like all of us, so the unnecessary usage of single Hindi word doesn’t really justify the purpose of showing her as an Indian. I wish they had done some sort of a homework before making this play. Share your thoughts on this masterpiece OH PHULEEEEEEEEZ!

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Zahra Mirza.

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Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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