Tauba Tauba! Usually I always have a note to begin my review with but this time around I am speechless & have nothing else to say except TAUBA!!!!!!
This episode was such a mood spoiler in all different ways. The typical Rahat Fateh Ali Khan’s high-pitch being echoed in the background repeatedly, Sofia’s shrilly shrieks & then Haya’s debut as a housemaid of the sleep deprived Zawaar, this is what the whole episode was all about. Once again they succeeded in failing miserably by not being able to make us feel anything about any of the characters. All I can deduce till now is that Sofia’s a vamp & an irritating one at that too, Zawaar’s a wuss, Haya is the satti savitri dream-wife of every Pakistani residing outside Pakistan because of the cooking & cleaning skill she has & Bee Jaan has got nothing to do, that’s it.
Yes, they did show that Zawaar felt good seeing Haya’s religious side so I am sorry to say if he was so deeply rooted & in touch with his eastern side, why did he get married to Sofia; a non-Muslim in the very first place? They have no grounds whatsoever to establish a fact that Zawaar can get swayed by a teenager so now they’re trying to show that just because Haya’s a Muslim home-maker, she’s definitely going to win Zawaar over.
Javed Sheikh’s entry was something unexpected but I hope he has a good role to play, to at least make us feel good about Pakistani men because the one we’re seeing getting pampered (literally & I can name the brand too) is just a loser. Throughout the episode, I was actually agitated to see Sarwat Gillani playing a role of an insecure negative person who has 1 high-neck shirt & 1 pair of pajamas (considering the huge mansion she lives in) because it’s like she is wasting her time & talent. It is upsetting to see such a brilliant actor playing such a weak role because she clearly looks uncomfortable. Apparently Sofia did try to voice her fears of not losing her demented trophy, oh I mean Zawaar because she’s had a tough life but sorry that message didn’t come across as clearly as it should’ve been because my ears were deafened due to her yells & screams.
I am happy that they showed the wholeeee next episode in the preview because seems like I can still review the episode without actually watching it. I think I’ll have to mute the TV because Sofia’s throat’s seems to be working fine. I hope that she had suffered from a loss of voice too because that would’ve been awesome, at least for us. Share your thoughts on this (sowwie) absurd episode.
Keep Supporting,
Zahra Mirza.