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Aahista Aahista – Episode 09!

Slowly slowly, slowly slowly is becoming so slow that it’s not even funny. I feel slowly slowly my wits are going with this play & I can’t seem to derive any fun out of it.

I have an immense respect for Rahat Fateh Ali Khan but sorry to say the repetitive OST in his high-pitched voice irritates me like anything. They could’ve gone for a normal music or something but to listen to the tone of RFAK, on the loop throughout the episode is very unpleasant. For the first time today I paid attention to the lyrics which were like ‘Ye Ishq Bacha, Ye Ishq Mamta’ which I believe should’ve been continued as ‘Ye Ishq Hai Do Do Biwiyon Ka’ & I also recall the lyrics have something related to ‘Jala Rahi Hai’, which might be referring to ‘Aik Biwi Dusri Ko Jala Rahi Hai’. I remember there was a time when Hum TV’s OST had a class & a charm too but seems like just as they believe having a huge star cast will sell a mediocre story, this is what they’re doing with the soundtracks where they believe they can make any renowned singer sing such meaningless lyrics & it will become a good OST.

I really have an issue with how Awazaar keeps on reminding Haya of how much she loves his mother. I mean, every single time she says ‘Meinne Pakistan Janawww Haiiii’ & he goes like ‘Tum Meli Mummy Shay Kitnawwww Pyaal Kalti Ho, Tow Mat Jaowww, Wo Mal Jayegi’. I mean is there something more to their relation? She cries, she wants to back out; Awazaar feeds her food & cancels her flight. I feel it’s about time that Awazaar should stop using the Mother Love Card because he ain’t selling it. If he was so worried about her & had actually loved her, he wouldn’t have forgotten about her preference of  her ikloti bahu. Haya has also confessed in front of Awazaar that she wouldn’t have gotten married to anyone else IF Awazaar had rejected her, giving him a hint of how much she loves him, which made me cringe because she never really met or knew him, but just because she was brain-fed or rather stung by Bumble Bee about his Beta Bee, this Baby Bee idealized him as a perfect potential spouse of hers, hence, the utawlapan of getting married to Uncle Bee while having no standards whatsoever.

Finally, Sofia recovered from her injury & seems like her venomous tongue got filled with some fresh venom too, therefore she kept on hissing in a wait of stinging someone in every chance she got. Sorry to say but the lady who really looked like a nice wife is coming across as a pain. Obviously they have to establish the grounds for why & how Awazaar got close to Baby Biwi, that’s why Bari Biwi is now losing her mind & what not.

Slowly Slowly has given us nothing to like & may be because of that reason, the cheesiness of Mustafa’s (Shehroz Sabzwari) character didn’t seem bad at all. He used all those cheap pickup lines that any random Pakistani Bwoy would use just in order to start a conversation with you, but trust me, even that seemed acceptable.

Finally, Na Maloom Afraad (Shireen Aunty, Safeer Uncle) gave an idea to Bumble Bee to go to USA making sure they mentioned that she had a visa & wasn’t an illegal traveller, which made me think once again as to how & why did she have a visa because Awazaar never intended to have her visit him because of the fear of getting busted, so what was the American Visa doing in her passport? Resting in peace? Anyways, seems like no one in this drama is capable of making a decision for themselves & that is why we see them exchanging ideas with each other as to what the other person should do, or more like how we say, people in this drama have a lot of ‘muft mashwaray’ to give to other characters. If we look back, no one has ever made a decision by themselves in this drama. LOL!

Anyways, Awazaar has averted the crisis because Sofia has left; he got a new place for Haya & now Bumble Bee’s on her way to Amreeekaaaa. Let’s see how slowly slowly progresses slowly slowly. Share your thoughts on this; slowly slowly, please.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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