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Aangan Episode 32 & 33 – Review!

Ohkay so, these two episodes of Aangan were pretty decent but slow. I did enjoy them in bits & pieces but overall I feel the drama has become a bit too slow with focus being shifted on side characters a bit too much. Also, I feel Asim & Laila’s case has been hanging in the lurch & may be other scenarios are being brought to the forefront so that the viewers forget or stop paying heed to the multiple wives scenario too much.

Aqdas decided to put things into perspective but Zoya chose not to pay heed to what her husband was saying. I really don’t want to use this term for her but Zoya started acting like someone who got way more than she deserved & now thinks the world’s at her mercy, including her parents & those brothers who raised her with love & care. May be if they had shown slight changes in Zoya, it would have looked a bit realistic but to see her entire personality flip in such a short span of time didn’t seem as convincing. Zoya’s concerns related to her dark circles or eye bags once again showed that she is not only mindful of the fact that she is older to Aqdas, but is complexed about it too. Anyways, it was good that Sajjad took care of the situation & told Zoya to be who she was, because Zoya herself was not very familiar with this newer version of herself, she backtracked pretty quickly & decided to undo the pain she had caused to Abba Jee. Phew, one less Anila to worry about & deal with!

Asim & Laila’s case has come to a standstill & nothing much has been done about it. Laila is just trying to pick up the pieces & move on. My favourite scene from these 2 episodes was a conversation between Laila & Zahid where he just tried to make her see the other side of the picture too. Even though Zahid advocated what others are doing for Laila & as much as I liked what he told her, I still felt bad for Laila because she now had to be mindful of the favours others were doing for her & the efforts they were putting in to help her emotionally. Laila was just dealing with this hardship on her own, she was not thinking about anything or anyone but then Zahid’s reminders forced her to realize that she was living with her in-laws after all & even if they were being accommodating, Laila still had to be conscious even when everything in her life has turned upside down!

To be honest, I enjoy the comic quotient that Anila & Allauddin bring to the drama but as much as I still enjoy watching Allauddin, I am afraid I can’t say that about Anila anymore because she to me now seems annoying. I am not sure what it is, the monotony of her character where she always typically stirs the pot or ZQ’s over-acting where she is trying really really hard to be Anila? Just there is something about this particular character that stopped working for me weeks ago but I felt I should just let it out now!

Well, Shafiq came with an intent of demanding his part in the property. I am not too sure how I feel about this scenario. Yes, it would be good to see the entire family sticking together & sorting this issue out but I feel those who are living abroad have been painted negatively in Aangan. As typical as it may sound, it would have been so much better that if not positive, they had kept things the way they were with Shafiq always finding excuses to not help his family back-home because if this is one reality, the other reality is that so many people live outside Pakistan in very tough & uncomfortable conditions only to support their families back-home. I was actually looking forward to Shafiq’s visit because I thought things will get super interesting when Anila will be expecting Waleed’s proposal for one of her daughters but Shafiq might be interested in Shaina but this twist is not something that I am keen on. Sajjad has been crying buckets for werks now & it is upsetting to see him that way, I genuinely feel for him because being someone who has BP issues, that guy is going through a lot by taking care of Asim, Sadaan, Abba Jee, Afrah & even Zoya, that too without an ounce of support from his wife Hajra who is just being a stone now – something that I am not too happy with either.

Haseena has slowly started to expect a lot more from Asim but he has nothing to give to her. Again, it upsets me that when Asim was well aware of the position & limited space he could give to Haseena, why did he marry her in the first place? In all the scenes where Asim is with her, he just seems uncomfortable, as if he has been forced to spend time with her.

Rubina & Zahid’s conversations were nice, it was good to see them discussing important matters & not fighting mindlessly for a change. Even though I have always said that I want to see a shift in their attitude towards each other, their relationship the way it is now seems very normal & real & because of that I think the writer has done a good job by till date keeping it exactly how it was introduced.

Please share your thoughts.

Keep Supporting,
Zahra Mirza.

PS: Please excuse me for being MIA. I travelled to Middle East last week & took my time to settle down. I will now be watching all the episodes from last week & will be posting combined reviews of all the dramas after watching this week’s episodes. Thanks!

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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