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Balaa Episode 21 & 22 Story Review – One Sided Match

Opening Thoughts – One Sided Match:

Ohkay so, Balaa is basically a one-sided match where Nigar is the winner & everyone around her is either too dumb or mentally deranged that no one can decipher what she is upto & even if there are a few people around her who know what she is doing, they have forfeit the match because they are just too scared. It is no fun watching Balaa because every single situation is just so predictable that even before something happens we all know that Nigar is going to win!!!

East or West, Nigar Is The Best:

Nigar devised a plan to get rid of Hamza, how new right? She knew that Hamza’s mother was not in a favor of his marriage with Batool therefore she utilized that aspect to turn everything in Junaid’s favor. She called Hamza’s mother up & told her to diss Batool because that will then guarantee her departure from Hamza’s life!!!!!!!!! To be honest, in stead of being intrigued or eager to know what is going to happen, I find it quite amusing when I see Nigar’s reactions as it is always just so obvious that she will get away with everything & no one will even bat an eyelid. Just so unrealistic!

So far I felt that Shama was a weak character but I hereby declare Taimoor as not only a weak character but a worst character too. His tunnel-visioned brain & prowess to see only one-side of the picture is commendable. It is so funny how easily he has started to doubt & low-key detest his mother based on the opinions of that girl who he wasn’t even interested in getting married to a few months ago. The way he wordily awarded Nigar as the Best Beti Bahu Biwi was so amusing. I mean getting an award from a guy who can barely use his brain (if he has one) is soooooo big right? Hah! Anyways, can Taimoor be rational & mature? I don’t get why he is always just so worked up at everything that happens around him? Ye bas cheekhne ke liye hi rakha hua hai, no wonder why he is screaming in the title poster too, because that sums up his entire shallow & dimwit personality in one shot!

I am disappointed in Shama. For a woman who has raised her children on her own, she should have stood like a wall between Batool & Junaid. That’s alright if she couldn’t prevent her son of drifting apart from her but when it came to her daughters, she should have been like a rock, standing by them come what may but oh well. Shama’s character is real but in this scenario it seems very unrealistic that she has lost her daughter to kal ki ai hui Balaa? For a widow who has raised her children herself, Shama should have been very strong. There’s a huge difference between being God-fearing, simple & between dimwit & stupid!

So, even after witnessing that entire scenario himself, Taimoor chose to believe that a man like Zafar had actually ordered a JUICE for his drunkard son & not only that, he also believed that his drunkard son Junaid was actually going to drink that juice? Hilarious. Anyways, Batool & Junaid got married just like that, awwww & guess what, he is still drinking, duhhh! To be honest, this entire ticker stating ‘Sharab Noshi Haram Hai’ doesn’t do anything when what they are promoting is totally opposite. All those scenes showing Junaid all drunk & Zafar casually conversing about it like how much did it cost etc are basically feeding it subconsciously into people’s minds because a mere verbal warning is not as effective as those visual scenes which are repeatedly being aired in Balaa promoting heavy drinking!

Closing Thoughts – No Fun:

Anyways, it is no fun watching this drama anymore because things have become so one-sided it is not funny. The preview of the next episode made me LOL too because now this worst character Taimoor will be using his hands & screaming his lungs out on Junaid for drinking after marriage? I mean he rejected a Doctor because of his ego, so what was he expecting from a loser like Junaid who already was known for drinking? Too much! Please share your thoughts about this annoying episode of Balaa.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.


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