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Bela Pur Ki Dayan Episode 16 Review – Mysterious & Intriguing

Just like every other episode of Bela Pur Ki Dayan this one too was thoroughly entertaining as well as frightening. The writer keeps on giving the viewers different surprises and has made sure that the story is unpredictable which is the basic reason why this drama keeps you at the edge of your seat. The director Saife Hasan and Amar Khan (the dayan) in particular deserve tons of credit for making the horror scenes horrifying enough! I know a lot of people who do not watch this drama when it airs because it scares them so much that they would much rather watching it during the day but unfortunately due to the poor sound quality of the videos which are uploaded by the channel, the viewers cannot enjoy the drama. This is also the kind of drama which requires your undivided attention therefore missing out on a few dialogues too can leave you with a lot of questions. Tonight’s episodes had quite a few such scenes which were crucial to the plot.

Tasha isn’t actually attracted towards Shakir it seems but she can see that Neelo gets really disturbed when Shakir comes to see her therefore for the first time she thinks she can do something to annoy Neelo too. The way Shakir reacted when he found Tasha in his room and later on the scene on the roof top suggested that he might be genuinely taking interest in Tasha. In this episode Rameez’s curiosity got the best of him and we finally got to see Gainda as well. Gainda’s reaction when Rameez said that he wanted to see the Dayan too explained why he had distanced himself from this situation. Even someone as adventurous as Gainda felt that this particular ghost was too dangerous which makes perfect sense since he ended up in prison the last time he tried to chase her. This scene explained why Gainda had suddenly disappeared. The dayan decided to have an encounter with Rameez but on her own terms and conditions! This car crash scene was brilliantly executed, everything about it was perfect.

The flashback scene at the beginning of this episode once again showed a completely different side of Neelo. The joke about Parveen Shakir and Amar Khan’s acting was really sweet. These flashback scenes show how different Neelo was when she was alive and when she thought everything was going to go as she planned and how bitter she is now. Even tonight when she had the opportunity to talk to Shakir, she didn’t. Wajdan’s expressions when his sister and mother were scared after he shared the story of his encounter with the dayan couldn’t have been more evil!! The credit for these perfect expressions definitely goes to the director. Once again Aziz’s conversation with Shakir sounded like his version of the story which is most often not true. Rehmat finally decided to warn Shakir but they were interrupted by the accident. There is a mystery surrounding Shakir’s character as well. There are times when he seems completely harmless and then there are moments when you feel like he has an agenda too.

The police came to arrest Tasha and it remains to be seen how Aziz’s family will manage to get out of this one! The story continues to be exciting and thrilling. I can’t wait to tune into this drama next week! I am looking forward to a few more exciting twists and hopefully an ending which won’t be too dark although such an ending seems impossible right now!

Fatima Awan
Fatima Awan has been a part of reviewit right from its inception. She feels very passionately about Pakistani dramas and loves discussing them in detail. An enthusiastic writer, thinker, and political scientist, constantly trying to look beyond the obvious. Full-time mom.

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