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Beqasoor – Episode 12

Things are getting more ugly with every passing episode. Beqasoor depicts a very sad and dark side of our society but it does not have anything new to offer. Watching Beqasoor is like reading a very tragic incident from someone’s real life in a newspaper. Something like this would give you goose bumps and will make you very sad but it can most certainly not be entertaining. I doubt that this drama is going to show any solutions for the problems which all the beqasoors in this drama face but we will only see things getting from bad to worse as a new episode airs every week.

I must say that at this point Shehryar’s character has to be the most well etched-out character in the play. Sajjid Hassan as usual has translated this character on screen flawlessly. He never fails to impress his viewers. This is the only character that has shown some shades of grey otherwise all the other characters are quite predicable. Shehryar tries his best to convince Hira to go home with him but Hira’s obsession with her step-father does not allow her to do that. It was definitely strange to see Hira doing so much on her own so soon because someone who has had a near death experience does not have the energy to run the way she was running when she saw Amin. Hira’s meeting with her mother in the jail just like always was spoiled by Saboor Ali’s overacting. I must say that I felt for Hira more when she could not deliver any dialogues because Saboor Ali’s dialogue delivery is beyond disappointing. She was probably asked by the director to do everything in her power to make people feel for her character but I for one have not been able to feel for her.

At this point there is very little hope for Sadaf since both Shehryar and Waseem couldn’t care less about her. There isn’t much that Hira can do for her and I doubt she will go to Babar for help. Waseem is gradually pushing everyone away from himself and now he is all alone. He only wants those people around him who will do things exactly the way he wants and he is incapable of loving anyone. Samina Peerzada is a remarkable actress but Sadaf’s character is disappointing me more with every passing episode. I feel for her and can see why someone in her position will make one mistake after the other out of desperation and because of being stressed out but I can’t help but blame her weak personality for a lot that has happened to her and her daughter. There might have been a time when she did not have a choice but to live with Waseem but that is most certainly not the case now. Hira and Sadaf both are too loyal for their own good – they are complete opposites of all the other characters in the play who do not believe in love or loyalty.

The most important development in tonight’s episode which might have huge repercussions for Sehr was her phupo moving in with her. Sehr trusts her phupo blindly but something tells me that phupo will do anything for money and she already seems to be fascinated by Shehryar. Except for Shehryar, all the other characters in the play are still black and white. Sehr, Phupo and Waseem are simply incapable of feeling anything for anyone, they are selfish to the core and they will only stay with someone as long as it suits them. They are also the kind of people who are not afraid of losing anyone. Sehr is scared of losing her comfortable life otherwise she could not care less about her husband either. We have already seen how conveniently Sehr’s phupo moved on after her divorce. Overall, Beqasoor as a whole has failed to impress. It banks heavily on rona dhona and majburis.

How many of you watched this latest episode of Beqasoor? Do share your thoughts about it.

Fatima Awan

Fatima Awan
Fatima Awan has been a part of reviewit right from its inception. She feels very passionately about Pakistani dramas and loves discussing them in detail. An enthusiastic writer, thinker, and political scientist, constantly trying to look beyond the obvious. Full-time mom.

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