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Besharam Episode 19 – Another Beautiful Episode!

Ohkay so, this was yet another beautiful episode of Besharam. I am so glad & I can’t thank the team of Besharam enough for giving us such a beautiful & brilliant drama that makes us happy with each passing episode. I feel the unpredictability in the story is the strongest point of this drama because just when we predict the situations & when we predict that the certain characters will react a certain way, they actually surprise us pleasantly every single time by showing something totally opposite to what we all are expecting.

Honestly speaking, the very first impression that I had of Manan was completely opposite to what he shown to be in this episode. Manan may look a little unrefined & immature but I was actually quite pleasantly surprised to learn that he is exactly like Mishi, a very mature & wise person who has struggled in life to make things work for him. Manan didn’t get everything on a golden platter & he is proud of the fact that he is a self-made man, that is why he understands that superficial things are not important & this is what he made his mother understand too. I loved how easily Manan connected with Mishi & her in-laws & that was only because of his wisdom & perspective as he knows that it is the warmth & honesty that should be valued which was the epitome of Haider’s family. I found it actually quite sweet that Manan tried to make his mother realize that she was wrong in judging Haider’s family as he already knows what sort of a person Haider is because even though Sara is oblivious, at least Manan knows that he came to Pakistan because it was Haider who requested him to come.

I just like the effortlessness in how the situations unfold & how all the characters react. I actually thought that Haider will won’t take things lightly when he will learn the truth about what Saba did & I also believed that Haider would be shocked to know that Mishi met Qadeer without informing Haider first but once again, I was pleasantly surprised at how Haider behaved. It showed that he has so much of trust in Mishi & her judgment that he didn’t feel like questioning her & without probing further, Haider just knew that everything Mishi did must’ve been a well-thought out decision. Even though in the beginning, Haider made sure to let Mishi know that he will rule her & he won’t let her have her way but after learning more & more about her, he has started trusting her to such an extent that he seems relaxed now as he knows that his beloved wife will never put him down & she will never do anything to upset him!

Haider has finally stepped back into the field of politics & this time around, Asfand seems to be trusting Haider more as he knows about Haider’s strengths. I just loved the conversation Mishi & Haider had when they were in a car, there was something absolutely sweet about that entire scenario where Mishi was calm & relaxed while Haider was happy about how he was successfully taking some steps towards a brighter future that will enable him to give everything to his wife that she deserves & dreams of. Even though it was Haider who got the car but somehow it was a moment of success, as a wife for Mishi too because if he wouldn’t have persuaded Haider & if she hadn’t put faith in him, Haider would’ve never gone back to Asfand Sultan & he definitely would’ve rejected his proposal. I loved the way they showed that a husband & wife can reap the benefits together if they stand by each other’s side in the time of difficulty!

Humna actually left quite an impression on Manan & he seemed attracted to her. Even though the comment that he made on her was a general remark of flattery but I am sure it had more strings attached. I am sure Manan will develop a liking for Humna & Mishi will make Humna realize that Manan is the right choice because Qadeer never deserved her love. I love how Khadija didn’t hold back in admitting that she was completely wrong in judging Mishi. How sweet is that? How often do we find such mother in laws in our dramas that admit their mistakes & appreciate their daughters in law for their efforts? Seems like Wahab Sunyara will be coming back along with Sofie Jaan to meet his Salay Sahab & Saasu Ma. I must say while Wahab was slurping tea I was having some black coffee & I actually tried slurping too, to see if it tasted better or it was enjoyable or not, lol!!!

As expected, this entire episode was beautiful & I appreciated it even more because I was getting my dose of Besharam after a long gap of 2 weeks. I just love how effortlessly & without making everything look preachy, the writer has embedded so many positive messages in this drama. The message that stood out the most for me in this episode was about how we shouldn’t judge people based on how much material they have. What actually define the worth of people are the characteristics like honesty, loyalty, positivity, sincerity & most importantly, warmth & love. In just a single meeting with Haider & his family, Manan knew that Mishi made the right choice. Even though Wahab has all the wealth in the world, but did he ever go out of the way for his Saasu Ma to make things or situations right or to strengthen the bond between the family members. It is Haider, the guy with a humble background & no bank balance that has done that for Sara & I hope she realizes it soon. I loved how Mishi told Haider that she wants respect the most & I am sure she will get plenty because even Haider & his family have realized that Mishi is a completely different person & she is not someone they assumed she would be. Also one thing that stood out the most for me was the mention of writing fashion blogs, it was so amazing that Haider wanted his wife to have a hobby & still stay connected to something that she has a complete knowledge of. How cool is that? How often do we get to see such husbands who appreciate what their wives are good at & tell them to dedicate their time to something that they are passionate about? It was so refreshing & beautiful!!! I just loveddd watching this episode & honestly speaking, I wouldn’t mind if this drama doesn’t end for like another 10 – 12 weeks because it is such an amazing drama with such beautiful moments that I just don’t want it to end! Please share your thoughts about this episode of Besharam.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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