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Bhai – Episodes 30 & 31 – Yeh Shaadi Nahin Ho Sakti!!

So I had said last week that I did not want an Ashraf – Ifrah union and Munir Bhai thought ‘leh, mein vadda hoon ya eh kuri’ and to put me out – he announced the date for Ashraf and Ifrah’s nikkah! My reasons for not wanting this marriage to happen are not because she was Ashraf’s bhabhi or that I do not believe Ashraf has changed and wants to only be good to Ifrah. My issue is with the depth of hatred Ifrah has for Ashraf and how firmly she believes he is to blame for Hammad’s death that for her to embrace this decision or marriage and then be able to move on seems far fetched. I know these kind of marriages are not uncommon but I am only thinking every time she sees Ashraf would she not remember him standing on the roof while Hammad bled to death. Anyways, that is just my opinion – Ifrah may eventually feel differently. And oh yes, this is after all only a drama and fictional characters so maybe I should keep my peace!

So, after having thrown one tragic event after another at us like a bad hailstorm, the writer has decided it is time for the sun to come out now. Ashraf begins to crawl out of his dark place and sets out to make amends and ask for forgiveness from all who he has wronged. I was not surprised at Saira’s reaction to Ashraf’s apology for it could definitely not be easy to forget all that neck wringing, the beatings, the opposition to her education and then the horrendous game he played out on her wedding day. Khadija, however seems to have a softer heart and I found her scene with Ashraf so touching I actually cried. He is, after all her brother and when he said darti hai mujh se? bura lagta hoon? and then asked if she would cry as much if he had died in place of Hammad, I had to wipe away my tears. The actress playing Khadija and Noman Ijaz played out that scene beautifully in my opinion.

So, 1 (Khadija)- 0 (Saira), next stop Rabab and Jawad. When Ashraf rings Jawad and says I want you to marry my sister I could not help thinking if I were Jawad I would be like umm, which sister this time Bhai? Thankfully, Ashraf does not have anything up his sleeve and wants Rabab and Jawad to be married, seeing as that is what they both want too.

We all know Ashraf was in love with Ifrah and it did seem that he never stopped loving her. But this concern he shows for her and then telling his mother to go easy on her made me wonder is this because she is his brother’s widow or because of his love for her? I did conclude to myself though that his reasons for caring about Ifrah were because he is still in love with her. Seems like my psychiatric career really is just waiting to take off to a flying start because we find Ashraf sitting and pondering over the same. Why does he care so much about Ifrah? Because she is Hammad’s widow or because of his ehsaas e jurm? Or, he then wonders, is it because he has always loved her and that is drawing him to her? Bingo!

Saira and Sufiyan’s love story has begun. That’s all I have to say about them. Good for them. Can we move on now please?

Rabab and Jawad. I know some of us thought they were not a good match and I do not know why but I find them to be sweet together. Both simple, undemanding, minding their own business sorts.

I am getting a bit lost with the timeline in this play now. Hammad dies and Ifrah’s parents come back to Pakistan and stay with her a while and then her father leaves and dies. Ifrah loses her baby and time passes and the family seems to be moving on but Ifrah’s mother is still in iddat but Rabab and Jawad’s engagement is to take place. How much time has passed between Hammad’s death and now? From Ifrah’s state it appears not long but then nobody mentioned her iddat when asking her to attend the engagement. And yes, I did notice Ifrah’s mother’s huge earrings. Oh well, saanu ki!!

I had anticipated the idea of Ashraf and Ifrah marrying might come up at some point but did not expect it so soon. Ashraf’s father feels confident that he will be able to convince Ifrah to marry Ashraf. Not sure how profound his logic was when he said to her that he realizes she will not be able to give the place in her heart she has for Hammad to anyone else so then in that case why not marry Ashraf? He further clarifies by saying that he is sure Ashraf will be able to keep her happy. Munir Bhai is either very wise or delusional.

I loved Noman Ijaz in his scene with Khadija and also when his voice breaks when he tells Ifrah that he did not kill his brother. This man is such an amazing actor, he is the reason I started watching this drama and the reason I am still watching it now.

I could be wrong but then I suppose now Ifrah and Ashraf will get married and there will be the usual tantrums, huffs and puffs and ‘my shohar is my shohar’s khooni’ (uff!)– during which Shibli will make an appearance again (sigh) and Ashraf will rescue Ifrah from him, who will then swoon and realize Ashraf is the mard whose sahara she needs to survive. Or maybe she will turn on Ashraf and help Shibli kill Ashraf and then go totally loony herself? Aha! Maybe I should have teamed up with the writer too – God knows unn ka influence mujh par ho gaya hai! Yikes!

How many of you are wondering if the darkness is over or if there is yet more to come? Or have you stopped wondering at all? Would love to hear your thoughts!

Kunwal Javid

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