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Bin Roye Episode 6 Review – Heartbreak And Confusion

This episode opened with Saba lying to her friend and most importantly to herself! She decided to pretend that she had moved on when actually she felt the exact same way as she always had. The scene after the nikkah went to show that the reality of Saman and Irtiza’s new relationship hit her hard and the viewers saw her wishing repeatedly that it would have been better if Saman died in that accident with her parents. This scene could have been more emotional if it wasn’t prolonged because sometimes less is more. Through this scene the viewers understood why Saba looked in the mirror and turned away in the first scene of the first episode. She blamed herself because there was a time when she wished Saman would have died. Saba’s reaction once again was realistic but one thing which was missing from this episode were conversations between Saba and Irtiza in particular which would have added more sentimental value to the recent developments which were once again very important but not as effective as one would have hoped for them to be. The main reason for this is that instead of relying on powerful conversations the director and the writer both have relied on much more simple techniques like chance meetings between Irtiza and Saba, conversations which are a little too simple and showing Saba’s expressions and reactions while the wedding was going on. Also, instead of showing the entire song, the director could have covered Saba’s state of mind and some conversations between Saba and her mother would have filled in what can easily be termed as missing pieces since they have hardly talked to each other in these 6 episodes. Adeel Hussein’s guest appearance must have worked really well for the film but in the drama this particular song seemed like a commercial break mainly because of the participation of a character which isn’t even a part of the drama. Having said that I must add that Adeel Hussein’s dance moves were truly impressive.

Once again dadi and Saba’s scenes were quite disappointing. The logic dadi gave Saba for hiding her feelings was too typical and devoid of any feelings. Dadi has been shown as someone who loves Saba and is like a friend to her. Something more positive from her to make Saba understand the situation would have been more heart-warming especially because Saba shared her feelings with dadi long before Saman came to live with them.


Tonight’s episode was going really well until Saman starting talking about how she was going to miss Saba because she wasn’t even going anywhere! This scene however was rather ironic especially because Saba felt all this pain for a completely different reason. Irtiza and Saman’s conversation on the night of their wedding completely fell flat because of Armeena Rana Khan’s confusing expressions. If Saman was so happy why did she look like she had just seen a ghost? There are some actors who are natural and there are others who try so hard to portray the feelings of their characters on screen yet they fail to do it altogether, Armeena Rana Khan sadly falls in that category.

It was surprising watching Safeer tell his mother about Sonia but there was nothing surprising about his mother’s reaction. Safeer is going to be another one of those husbands who have nothing going for them. The preview of the next episode showed Sonia announcing the news of her pregnancy which was definitely shocking since we don’t know yet whether they are married or not.

Bin Roye’s story doesn’t have the dramatic peaks which one would expect from a script which technically relies solely on relationships and emotions. The only aspect of the drama which has been translated on screen better than everything else is the emotional chaos in Saba’s life. Most of the characters are one-dimensional and unfortunately so far the directors and the writer have not gone out of their way to establish the relationships between some of the primary characters. This drama could have been wholesome entertainment if the makers paid more attention to detail. Lack of potent performances and absence of strong supporting characters is another reason why Bin Roye is nothing more than light entertainment for now. Most of the viewers like myself are waiting to be blown away but it just isn’t happening. I was expecting Bin Roye to be very filmy and a visual treat after watching the first episode but right now it isn’t too filmy and although every episode has quite a few visually pleasing scenes to its credit but the viewers have definitely seen dramas which were far more appealing visually. Bin Roye relies heavily on Mahira Khan’s star power and her performance, which just isn’t enough or even fair.

How many of you watched this episode. Do share your thoughts about it.

Fatima Awan
Fatima Awan has been a part of reviewit right from its inception. She feels very passionately about Pakistani dramas and loves discussing them in detail. An enthusiastic writer, thinker, and political scientist, constantly trying to look beyond the obvious. Full-time mom.

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