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Bin Roye Episodes 4 & 5 Review – Reality Check!

In these two episodes Saman got more settled in the house mainly due to the love given to her by Saba but once she was well settled it seemed like she was the one running the show while Saba found it impossible to cope with so many new changes which she did not anticipate. Saba noticed Saman and Irtiza’s growing closeness and her reaction was shown realistically. Although the timing of the realization and the overall impact such a major development should have had was derailed in episode 4 in particular, just like every other big development in Bin Roye so far, but Saba’s reaction was definitely in line with her character. She did not confront Saman but she decided to ignore her in order to make her feel just as alienated as Saman made her feel because of her growing relationship with Irtiza. Irtiza’s character is that of a sweet, gentle man who is completely blown away by Saman. The attraction he feels towards Saman is difficult to relate to because Saman’s character isn’t very appealing, it also has done-to-death written all over it. She is the older, wiser sister, who can do no wrong. Also, Hamayun Saeed’s manly demeanor which is a part of his overall personality does not really fit in the present scenario. The fact that he played an exceptionally strong role very recently in drama serial Dillagi also does not help. Irtiza is too plain and he is only attractive because two women find him attractive otherwise his character does not have a lot to offer.

Saba’s character is exactly the way it was so many years back when she was a child, which means there has been absolutely no character development. She still cried when Irtiza lost the match, although the reason was different this time but the fact that she could not hide her feelings from everyone else around her went to show that although she claimed to be mature but she was still like that 10 year old girl who had very little control over her feelings. The scenes in episode 4 in which dadi and Saba’s mother talk about Saman and later on criticize Saba for her bad habits was a scene which showed Saba’s general disgust with Saman being the perfect child – a detail which gave this relationship a very typical feel. Also, in tonight’s episode Saba’s conversation with dadi gave the same impression. The only difference here is that while Saman is the perfect sister, Saba is not being shown as an evil character.

These two episodes further showed that Saba’s life literally revolved around Irtiza. In all these years she never really got used to having Irtiza around but still having him around her meant something special. He is all she talks about and the only person she wants to spend her time with. Mahira Khan wore minimum make-up in these two episodes and there was very little styling too. Just like most of the roles Mahira Khan plays she is really into her character but her character is one-dimensional. Probably to show the contrast between Saman and Saba even more Armeena Rana Khan’s styling was much more trim and proper. Armeena Rana Khan’s dialogue delivery and overall performance is making it very difficult to relate to Saman’s character.


Safir’s (Junaid Khan) character was also introduced in these episodes. He is his mother’s only son who works in the US and is romantically involved with a Hindu girl (Shazia Naz), someone he can probably never get married to but they share an apartment! Safir’s conversation with his girlfriend pretty much summed up why he will end up bowing to his mother’s wishes at some point.

Dadi talked about Irtiza’s wedding in the 2nd episode, Saba told her about her feelings for Irtiza at that time but since then there has been absolutely no mention of what Saba said. Dadi and Saba’s relationship had tons of potential which has not been utilized to the maximum. These 5 episodes have proved one thing, Bin Roye is going to be a very typical story and none of the twists will have the shock value which are needed to make the viewers sit at the edge of their seats. Bin Roye keeps you interested, there are moments which are emotional but it does not blow you away. The good thing about this play is that there are no heroes or villains in this story but just normal everyday people who are caught up in situations beyond their control which will determine the course of their relationships and their lives. The things which keeps it from being a complete winner is that all these people are a little too plain at times and the drama does not have a lot of extraordinary performances to its credit.

Yasmin’s (the maid) rude behaviour with Saba in episode 4 stood out like a sore thumb! I could not understand the reason behind it. Saba might be immature but she is very well mannered, I couldn’t understand why Yasmin was even acting that way. This was a small scene but one which made you wonder why it was there! Bin Roye has two iconic directors behind it therefore watching a less than average performance by Armeena Rana Khan and scenes which are supposed to be emotionally charged but don’t have enough impact or incidents which are not followed through has been an anticlimax, to say the least. Mahira Khan’s expressions when Irtiza shares with Saba that he was in love and later on the reaction when she heard Irtiza proposing to Saman did not make a lot of sense. How could she not know that he was talking about Saman and not her? Having said that, I have to say that Irtiza is at his best when he is with Saba. Hamayun Saeed and Mahira Khan’s chemistry with each other is definitely making their scenes work. Also, although Saba’s love is immature but you can’t help but relate to her feelings. In tonight’s episode especially watching Saba’s hopes being dashed to the ground was definitely emotional. The picture quality of the play was perfect in the first episode but after that there have been quite a few scenes in which neither the picture quality nor the make-up of many of the actors has been up to the mark. Also, there were a few scenes in which the viewers were shown one night after another and the days were completely missed. The family as a whole has not been shown together in any of the scenes, even tonight in the engagement scene Javed Sheikh was missing.

Mahira Khan was the star of the show tonight without a doubt. Even though the directors and the people behind the camera failed to do justice to her but Saba’s character and her track is the only reason why I will be tuning into Bin Roye next week. The latest developments reminded me of Alvida yet again. I haven’t read the novel but I have seen Alvida and therefore it is very easy to predict what is going to happen next.

How many of you watched these two episodes? Do share your thoughts about it.

Fatima Awan
Fatima Awan has been a part of reviewit right from its inception. She feels very passionately about Pakistani dramas and loves discussing them in detail. An enthusiastic writer, thinker, and political scientist, constantly trying to look beyond the obvious. Full-time mom.

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