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Cheekh Episode 25 & 26 – Story Review

Opening Thoughts – Drag:

Oh yawn, I mean Ohkay so, these two episodes of Cheekh were full of cheekhs & this drama has become such a drag that I couldn’t bring myself to review it last week, that is why I thought it would be a good idea to do a combined review of two episodes. The story has moved forward & this episode was quite happening but I could sense that they are now wrapping the drama up which actually makes me so happy that I am doing an imaginary bhangra in my head. Imagine, how desensitized this drama has made us by showing so many tragedies that even though in this episode one of the nicest characters have died but I am not feeling a thing rather I’m looking forward to the end!

Hospital Is The New Home:

In the previous episode, the only important scene was of Shariq’s meeting with Wajih, where he deliberately made him confess everything so that Haya could believe & find out the truth. Even though they have not revealed it yet & they might be saving it as a final nail in the coffin but I do hope Shariq was wise & sharp enough to record Wajih’s confession on his phone. I hope he has done that because in that entire scene his hands were in his pocket, so let’s hope that has happened. Also, if Shariq has not done that then I’m not sure why making Wajih confess only for Haya to hear was so important? But I hope some recording was done. In this episode, Shariq recorded Wajih partying only to send it to Haya so it does show that Shariq does know how recording works, so here’s to hoping!!!

Mannat was being treated so that her mental health deteriorates & she can be declared a cynic but one of the doctors saved the day & then Shayan’s dramatic move also made Yawar stop Aqil from doing whatever he was doing.

To be honest, in the quest of showing how to stand for the right & all that jazz, I feel the writer & team Cheekh has taken it toooooooooo far. This far that now anyone would think a million times before standing up for the right or challenging the powerful. I know they have shown a reality, I know this is the ghissa pitta excuse they give for churning out so much of negativity but still, I think in stead of putting the right message across, they have done enough to scare people to the core. It all started from Mannat losing her friend but then later Mannat went on a losing spree – she lost her baby, she lost her mother, she was at the brink of losing her sanity & eventually she has lost her husband!?! So not needed & so unnecessary. Also, it is funny that half of this drama was shot in a hospital! I wonder why couldn’t they show that after Shayan met some injuries, Mannat took it on her to teach Wajih a lesson because she has had enough? Why couldn’t they show that a supportive husband like Shayan was by Mannat’s side & saw her win the case. Nahi jee, killing & deaths of characters mean more ratings to chalo, aisay hi sahi. This drama might be showing how difficult the fight for justice is, but that thing is long forgotten & now it has just turned into something super depressive!!!

Finally, it has taken a loss of his brother Shayan for Yawar to now finally realize that he has been wrong all along by supporting Wajih. Unfortunately, he had to go through such a big shock to come to his senses & now when the maid testified against Wajih, Yawar knew he could not do anything because Wajih dug his own grave. I so hope that the writer doesn’t show Wajih losing his senses, rather he should totally stay mentally conscious to feel the guilt & regret all that he has done!

Closing Thoughts – I Have A Headache:

These two episodes of Cheekh were alright. This drama is popular but then, apart from negativity, there’s nothing that I see in it. It is a typical Zanjabeel Asim Shah script & next time if I see her name, I will switch the TV off because my mental sanity & health comes first. It is beyond shocking how this much of negativity can come from someone’s mind. Also, in the last couple of weeks I have had reruns of beautiful dramas like Malal & Doraha & while watching them, I really enjoyed how quiet those dramas were, even if there was a background music, it was instrumental & lasted for a few seconds & when there were conversations, there was no music. This is something that our drama makers especially those associated with ARY Digital should consider because there is so much noise & so much usage of music/OST in every single episode that it literally gives you a headache. No joke, I have been watching Cheekh on volume as low as 5 because the loud background music just gets to me & tonight was no different, I have a headache because I just watched this episode. Anyways, acting of all the actors has been good no doubts about it but this drama on the whole is meh. Zanjabeel Asim Shah needs to go on a long break & probably never return as a writer. The fact that after Balaa, she became the content head of ARY Digital is alarming. Please share your thoughts about this episode of Cheekh!

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.


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