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Colourism: The root of evil in society

In this day and age, Pakistanis are still obsessed with looking fair. This obsession stems from a result of post colonialism. Being fair and white automatically meant being priveleged, rich and wealthier than others. Whitening creams and soaps promote the idea of being beautiful and at par with superiorty.

This internalized form of racism is known as Colourism. Colourism is a prejudice or discrimation against individuals with a dark skin tone, typically among people of the same ethnicity. How shocking is that!

Although many believe the quest for looking white, fair and “beautiful” came from the post colonial era, the roots can be traced even earlier to the Hindu Caste system where the upper class, Brahmin enjoyed the luxuries of life while staying indoors and thus were fair; on the other hand, the lowest class Shutras worked hard outdoors thus getting dark skinned.

Colourism: The root of evil in society

Priveleges are mostly prefered and are awarded to members of society with lighter skin, while dark-skinned individuals lack privilege.

While colourism made people dislike and develop a hatred to themselves, skin lightening compaines immediately took advantage of this while reaching new heights of success with various creams, soaps and treatments.

Colourism: The root of evil in society

But it is extremely sad how many people are unaware of the hazardous effects of these creams. Such products contain chemicals which contribute to epidermal thinning (thinning of the skin), contribute to pigmentation in the long run, skin swelling, hypopigmentation, itchy skin.

Colourism: The root of evil in society

The most dangerous ingredient in the creams is that of mercury. Mercury can damage a person’s nerves, reduce brain activity, damage your liver and kidneys. Also anyone who comes in contact with you while you use skin creams which contain mercury can get mercury poisoning through you.

If you’re dusky, you’ll instantly be frowned upon and told to get some whitening treatments done else you won’t find a good rishta or a good job. But if you’re fair skinned and white, you’d be promoted more in a well reputed job or be eligible for good rishtas. It is the case where the color of your skin is an indicator of what you can and should be able to achieve in life.

Colourism: The root of evil in society

Although Pakistanis have a sheer hatred towards the West, it is upsetting to see how they are inspired to be more and more like them especially in the choice of skin color.

These same myths about beauty are mirrored in whitening cream ads as well, and contribute to the oppression of women since women cannot reach their full potential when they are busy striving towards impossible, and even unhealthy standards of beauty.

Colourism: The root of evil in society

It is indeed upsetting to see even celebrities from our own entertainment industry endorse such products which promote fair and white skin. In the recent past, Sajal Aly, Mawra Hocane, Bilal Ashraf and the likes have been promoters of a fairer and clearer skin.

Colourism: The root of evil in society

It is pertinent for us as individuals to love ourselves, no matter what our skin color is. If we do not start doing that today, we would not be accepted by others as well.

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