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Diyar-e-Dil – Episode 18!

Oh wowww!!! This episode was so interesting & I thoroughly enjoyed watching it. I must say the brilliant performances definitely add more charm to the beauty of the drama but the way the situations are unfolding & the way they have kept so much in store for us to explore & get aware of makes this drama an absolute treat to watch.

All of Faarah’s reactions reminded me of Suhaib’s prediction where he told Behroz that the moment Faarah will get a chance to be around her paternal relatives, that would be the day when she will feel attracted towards them because it’s their blood running through her veins & this is exactly what happened in this episode. No matter how hard Ruhina has tried & no matter for how long she has brain fed Faarah against each & everyone, Faarah can’t resist feeling the opposite because she is getting to see the reality & it can never remain concealed for a long long time. Yes, Faarah still hasn’t accepted Wali but then that’s something natural because she was ambushed into this relation & that is why; she isn’t even ready to give this relationship a chance because for her, Wali is the last person on her mind.

I found the entire scenes involving Agha Jaan, Faarah & Wali to be very sweet. I love the way Agha Jaan is doing everything to make Faarah feel a part of his family. Agha Jaan knows that Faarah is the only person who affects Ruhina the most & when she will see her daughter happy & being taken care of, her heart will eventually melt. Faarah definitely couldn’t resist thinking the otherwise because she is someone who doesn’t believe in blindly following what her mother tells her & that is why, we often get to see both of them having a difference of opinion. Yes, Faarah does give in most of the times but that is only because she understands that her mother is emotionally weak after Behroz’s death, but soon enough I am sure Faarah will understand that Ruhina isn’t herself anymore & she is following the commands of her brother, which will force Faarah to take a stand against Ruhina.

I must say, even though I understood where Zohra was heading with all her bechargi & buray halaat claims but I never once expected that I’d get to see such a dirty side of Tajjamul ever. That single conversation between Tajjamul & Zohra was the highlight of the episode for me. Like I have said before, Tajjamul & Zohra, both have read Ruhina in & out, therefore they know how she can be toyed around. Tajjamul knew that Behroz had a sound background but just when he was alive, he knew he could never depend on Ruhina even if he wanted to, but luckily for him, Behroz is no more & it was all his planning to force Ruhina to get hold of Behroz’s family fortune because it would help him heaps. I was saddened to see that Tajjamul & Zohra actually lied to Ruhina. Yes, if they had actually needed the money for the property, it still wouldn’t have looked so odd but they lied right from the beginning & it was really hard to accept. Even though I know Ruhina trusts Tajjamul & Zohra more than she must’ve even trusted Behroz, but I am glad that she will get to learn a good lesson because this is something she really needs to face in order to understand & see the reality of everyone around her.

Moeez continues to be unreasonable. He is still enforcing his proposal & expects Faarah to reciprocate the similar feelings but it was good to see that being in a relationship or getting married is the last thing on Faarah’s mind. She is focusing on her MBBS & that’s her only priority (which rarely happens in our dramas these days). I must say, the more I get to see Wali, the more liking I develop for his character. He is quite present minded because the withdrawal of 7 lacs was enough for him to understand that Agha Jaan’s money was being misused. Even though Agha Jaan didn’t allow him to make a big deal out of it, it was good to see that even Agha Jaan got heed of what was happening in Lahore. I am sure Wali wouldn’t let it slide after he will see Tajjamul & Moeez’s involvement in Faarah & Ruhina’s lives.

Oh My God! The preview of the next episode was so intense & interesting. I am so glad that each & every episode offers us something new & exciting every single time. I loved the interactions between Agha Jaan & Faarah because this way Faarah feels the absence of Behroz is being compensated. To be honest, the way Ruhina is so comfortably involved in Tajjamul’s life goes to show that she isn’t even bothered about how Behroz’s death is being exploited. All the money she is getting through Agha Jaan is because of Behroz but how petty can she be where at one hand she doesn’t even want to greet him but on the other, she is using all his money to live a comfortable life. If she was a woman of her word, she would have never ever touched the money in Faarah’s account let alone spend it on lavish dinners & an army of servants.

Anyways, I thoroughly enjoyed this episode & can’t wait to see more. I am really looking forward to the showdown between Ruhina & Arjumand, haha! Please share your thoughts about tonight’s episode.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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