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Diyar-e-Dil – Episode 27!

…& the awesomeness prevails. Just like Ruhina brain-fed Faarah against the awesome Diyar-e-Dil familia, I think by now, I must’ve brain-fed you guys by praising them again & again. I use the term solely for Agha Jaan’s family because they are the ones who make Diyar-e-Dil such a beautiful story & journey. I must say I am amazed how by the end of each & every episode I am left with a feeling for completion & contentment because every episode offers us something totally amazing. I’ve lost the count of how many times I have said this but I am absolutely in love with this drama!!!

So, this episode was once again dedicated to Faarah & her realizations. Faarah is being hard on herself now because of her motive behind coming to see Agha Jaan, which now makes her the culprit in her own eyes. Faarah thinks that no one would be able to forgive her if they ever come to know about the deal she had with Wali. Faarah is magnifying the problem at hand because she is mistaking Agha Jaan’s family once again. I think once Faarah will prove her love to them, they will accept her with all her faults just like they have done so far. Faarah came to the Haveli after she openly admitted that she wanted a divorce from Wali & also wanted her share of the property, but why can’t she see that just immediately after that incident, she was welcomed with open arms by Agha Jaan & because of him, her stay was somewhat a smooth sail. For now, Faarah is shaken by the strong sense of guilt which is deterring her from looking at the brighter side of the picture. The change she has brought in herself is enough for others to see that she is doing each & everything for everyone with utmost love, loyalty & sincerity. I think it is such a beautiful period of her life where she has changed herself completely but she herself can’t see the positivity she is resonating. Faarah is trying even harder because she feels she has wronged everyone but for now she is unable to see that this is exactly what will shape things up for her. Even though, the guilt inside her makes her hysterical but there was something very innocent & pure about the way she let her tears flow & seeing her this way took me back to those times where they made it very clear that Faarah was very innocent & clean-hearted. All this while she was putting up an act, she was carrying a facade of being someone she wasn’t, that is why now when the burden has become overbearing, she is trembling because she can’t take it anymore. Faarah is tired of being someone she is not & she trying hard to pick up the pieces & be who she is.

One of the most beautiful parts of this episode was Faarah’s dependence on Wali. She herself doesn’t know why she is finding it so comfortable to speak to Wali. Faarah doesn’t know why the moment she sees him, she wants to give words to each & every thought that’s crossing her mind. Faarah has started confiding in him without expecting anything in return & that’s what defines the gravity of their relationship with each other. Even though Wali is pretty clear in his mind that he needs to put an end to this relation because this is exactly what Faarah demanded, but Faarah’s transition is taking him by shock & surprise at times leaving him speechless as he himself is unable to comprehend Faarah’s state of mind. Wali is still unsure what Faarah wants that is why he is trying really hard to maintain a distance because he learnt it the hard way. I love how different their approach has become where previously, Wali wanted to do everything to protect their relationship but now he has prepared himself for the worst & then there’s Faarah who wanted to put an end to this relation initially but now has had a change of heart completely. The way Faarah is reminded of Behroz’s words again & again is very sweet. Indeed, there are certain lessons, certain words of our parents that stay with us even after they’re gone & this is exactly why Faarah has started to understand Behroz’s point of view because even though his decision must’ve been hard on her, his farsightedness has struck a chord & this is exactly why she now understands the reason behind Behroz’s haste in getting her married to Wali.

I must say, I love the way they have shown Agha Jaan as a binding factor of this family. It only took a second for Zarmeenay to realize that Faarah has changed completely because she saw the sincerity in her prayers regarding Agha Jaan. I love how special Agha Jaan is for all of them & how he brings the whole family together. The love that they share for Agha Jaan is also one of the reasons why they all stand together because that is their strength & this is exactly what Faarah wants to experience as well. The sight of a family coming together for Agha Jaan made Faarah realize what was missing from her life & that is why she has started to focus on him completely because she knows the love of Agha Jaan is exactly what will bring the rest of the family close to her too.

I loved the conversation between Faarah & Zarmeenay. The way Zarmeenay complimented Faarah for how she owned her mistakes was brilliant. It almost felt like Zarmeenay said all such things that we have noticed about Faarah all this while too. The beginning of their friendship was one of the most beautiful parts of this episode & the excitement that Zarmeenay showed after knowing Faarah’s intention of staying with them for the rest of her life was really sweet. Zarmeenay could see that this decision of Faarah will only bring happiness in their lives but just now when Faarah has Zarmeenay on her side, I think it will become a lot easier for her to reach out to Arjumand & Wali too. Finally, our heroine has given words to the biggest secret & that is, her wish to stay married to Wali, wo hoo! :) Can’t wait to see how she will win him over! <3 In my opinion, this episode was just so beautiful that I don't feel like discussing Tajjamul & Co. in this review, I think it will ruin it completely however, I do have a suggestion for the actress playing the character of Zohra; that she should & she must drink a glass of water before delivering her dialogues because her throat seems so dry & making it look like it takes a lot of effort for her to deliver her dialogues & project her voice. I loved Maya Ali in this episode too, she has started to look just so pretty & there's something about her aura that is very appeasing to see. I have always liked Maya Ali for her effortless acting but she has outdone herself in Diyar-e-Dil completely, which makes me an even bigger fan of her. Osman Khalid Butt has been a treat to watch too & oh, I was relieved to see our beloved Agha Jaan completing the family picture by the end of the episode. I almost started missing him throughout the episode but was happy to see him back & I also loved how all his grandchildren were attending him, making him feel comfortable & engaging in some lighthearted conversation concerning his health. Yes, even though it is needless to say but I’ll say it anyway, I absolutely love & adore this family. Please share your beautiful thoughts about this beautiful episode of Diyar-e-Dil. :) Keep Supporting, Cheers,
Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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