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Do Bol Episode 27 & 28 Story Review – Family Politics

Opening Thoughts – Family Politics:

Ohkay so, this episode of Do Bol focused more on all the family members & their politics, so much so that it didn’t offer anything new but it does not undermine the fact that it still was an interesting episode to watch. I do wish they had kind of wrapped things up a bit in this episode because it seems they will give us a rushed ending now!

Side Characters Got A Screen-time:

Badar was suffering silently. He didn’t have the courage to confront Gaiti as he feared that she might say what he did not want to hear. Gaiti obviously had no idea what was wrong with Badar & she continued to do all that she promised him, that is staying by his side & doing everything that he loves.

Gaiti’s family has not only welcomed her back wholeheartedly, they are planning a reception for her & Badar too, which I think was very sweet. Seeing Iqbal being actively involved in the planning & giving Gaiti full freedom to choose the date was very sweet of him. Iqbal has changed & he is doing everything to let Gaiti know that she is loved. Nafeesa’s happiness seeing her entire family especially Iqbal & Gaiti happy is super sweet. She genuinely cared for both her husband & her daughter that is why out of all the people she is the happiest.

Zafar apologized to Iqbal only because Firdous said so, otherwise he has shown no remorse over what he has done. It was interesting to see how even Fareeha became confrontational with Firdous & showed her a mirror. Firdous still has not learnt her lesson & it is unfortunate that she still teaches Zafar to be manipulative only to attain financial gains from Iqbal. Firdous can not stand the fact that Badar has joined Iqbal & that Iqbal is on good terms with his only daughter. It was ironic that Firdous claimed Fareeha was selfish but she totally forgot that she herself is no less either!

Rania continued to make an issue to convince her family for Jamshed but Jamshed only manipulated Rania whereas he is not sincere with her. The entire scenario of Rania wanting to get married to Jamshed has been stretched like a rubber band & similarly, Sameer wanting to win Gaiti back is another such instance which is super annoying. I found it funny that without even listening to Gaiti, Sameer announced that he was coming to get her? How stupid is he? I swear I have seen quite a lot of annoying characters in Pakistani dramas but Sameer is a dheet of some other level. Fareeha is another good-for-nothing character who has wasted so much of resources to look ‘good’ but unfortunately, has failed miserably. An epic fail sorts!

Closing Thoughts – Coverage of Side Tracks:

Overall, this episode of Do Bol was decent but definitely could have included such situations that actually mattered but then again, it is understandable that they had to give these supporting tracks a closure too so they addressed them all in this episode. However, I do dread that the final episode might give us a rushed ending. So far so good. Please share your thoughts about this episode of Do Bol.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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