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Intezaar – The End!

So cliché, but Intezaar is finally over (pun intended). I yawned my way through the second last episode until the last few minutes and then knowing that this was the last episode, I managed to sit through it and the ending left me shaking my head in amazement.

For those of you who have left the drama midway and have (or have not) been following it through my reviews – a short summary of what happened in these two episodes. Saba’s jealousy grew, ebbed on by her mother and her pieces of advice. Zoya and Shariq suffer in silence (yawn) and draw comfort from each other. During one of her rants, Saba goes out of control and in an attempt to calm her down Shariq tries to stop her and she collapses or he pushed her I could not quite figure out but end result Saba ends up in the hospital with a brain haemorrhage. Shariq’s guilt and sense of responsibility suddenly rears its head and he feels he should have taken care of Saba and fulfilled his responsibility instead of marrying Zoya and asks her to leave.


Saba recovers and comes home – but Zoya has done what she does best and has left home. Once again. I mean, twice again. I mean – you get my point. Shariq is filled with remorse and tries to find her but is unable to. He focuses his love and attention on Saba and five years down the road we see a very happy, normal Saba living with Shariq and their daughter and parents. Zoya, we see is living elsewhere, also happy with her son and her grandmother. And then comes the ending twist that I had not really expected – ever so often Shariq has a ‘work tour’ which has him traveling out of the city and that tour is apparently Zoya’s house. His mamoo is in on his secret and Shariq manages to keep Saba and all happy with Zoya apparently okay with this whole situation. That’s it.

I have to say I was curious how this drama was going to end. I had long given up on any intelligent direction on how the child abuse issue was to be dealt. All I could draw from this was that Saba’s anxiety peaked till she collapsed and all that brought her back was the love and attention of her husband. A man she only claimed to be her husband and sit up and take notice of when she saw him paying attention to another woman. So basically, push the traumatised woman until she is consumed with jealousy for after all she is a woman and she can not bear to share her husband and that will make her realize that she has left all her fears and inhibitions behind and then nurse her back to normalcy by paying attention to her. For when Shariq tried to pay attention to her earlier and take care of her, she wanted nothing to do with him. I will not even comment on how I feel about that message – there is no point.


Whether it is right or wrong for Shariq to keep Saba in the dark about Zoya’s existence and pull the wool over her eyes and manage two wives or not is not what I pondered over. What amazed me was how Shariq manages to keep both wives – happy and manage both homes and his work. I have to admit there was no other way to end this drama without it turning into a crazier or tragic mess than it was already. I can not say I will miss watching this for although it started on an interesting and decent note it just started heading off in a direction where I followed begrudgingly at a snail’s pace and could not keep up with the writer’s train of thought. I have no idea what she was thinking when she set out to write and what she figured she had produced when she ended it. Was it just me or were these two episodes also quite dark, as in visually? I am a fan of Mikael Zulfiqar and that is one reason I watched this drama but I can not say he or Sana Javed or even Anum Fayyaz blew me away with their acting. Anam Fayyaz had a few moments where I thought she acted well but her character was quite a confusing one and the treatment given to her character was even more confusing.

If there is anything that this drama may end up leaving with its viewers is a sudden increase in hen pecked husbands whose wives will be suddenly very suspicious of any out of city business trips. LOL! Thank you to all the readers who read my reviews regularly and commented. I did think there was one point when I was the only one who followed this drama and was glad to know there are others who have tuned into this drama. What did you all think of this ending? Would love to hear your thoughts!

Kunwal Javid

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