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Ishq Mein Tere – Episode 17!

Hmmmm, so it was more of a drama in this drama now. Interesting as always & I guess they are off to wrapping up the story. I’d pretty much appreciate if they don’t drag the ending & wind it up just when needed.

Is it just me or others feel the same that Laiba is nothing but a crazy egoist? Didn’t she ever come across the saying of never believing in what you see? I mean how easily she just saw Aiza going into Saad’s room & assumed the gruesome details. Does she really think she is going to win Saad over by being like this, where at first she was clingy & now she has turned his mother against him too? Is he actually worth all the hassle? I don’t think so. What she thought & then blurted about Aiza & Saad goes to show Laiba’s own mentality more than anyone else’s in this situation. She is not insecure because that’s the small word, rather she is obsessed to a blinding point.

Aiza was just being herself & kept on reminding Saad about his upcoming marriage. His coughing fits were unbearable to watch where he would cough like he ain’t going to last but the very next moment he would walk like nothing happened, lol. I actually detest Saad & fail to sympathize with him because he has only created difficulties for people around him. I actually once again got a chance to feel bad for Saim because if Saad can’t tolerate his advices, why does he call Saim to listen to his issues quietly? Saim is being so tolerant towards his selfish friend but sadly Saad can’t see it. :(

Finally, Aiza’s brother Bakhtiyaar has taken hold of his life & without going into much detail they showed him having a good time with his family & providing them with the basics. I think it was a perfect timing for Aiza to come to her brother for support because now he is being reasonably responsible towards his family.

I expected better from Shehryar but sadly he gave preference to his daughter’s verdict over anything else & without even seeking for Aiza’s justification he decided to send her away. Aiza on her own is right that he didn’t even give her a chance to explain about what happened & I feel in this matter it would be justified if Shehryar apologizes to her because Aiza never gave him a chance to doubt her. She deserves all the respect & Sheheryar definitely owes her an apology.

Next episode shows Saad’s suffering reaching to a lethal level & hopefully it would make Laiba regret what she has done. Can’t wait to find out what happens next.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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