Ishq Zahe Naseeb Episode 16 Story Review – Brilliantly Executed

Opening Thoughts – Well Executed:

Ohkay so, this was a well executed & well rounded episode of Ishq Zahe Naseeb which covered all the fronts of all the tracks. I am really glad that they just do not only focus on the personal relationships or equations of the characters but also show their professional lives, their work-related struggles & the hard work they put into their careers. Ishq Zahe Naseeb has over the last few weeks has grown on me, I will admit that initially it wasn’t working much for me but now it has become the kind of drama that I look forward to the entire week. This drama surely is exciting to watch because it has all those flavors & scenarios which are rarely shown in our dramas. The brilliant execution of Ishq Zahe Naseeb shows the vision of the director. This drama & this kind of script deserved a different & specific kind of treatment which the director has given to it & this is what makes Ishq Zahe Naseeb what it is, so bravo!

Feelings & Emotions:

This episode focused on how Dunia Kashif & Sameer Gauhar were connecting on a personal level. They all come from very different backgrounds but they have found something in common to each other, they share the same mental wavelength & they all feel a pull towards each other. In Kashif & Gauhar’s case, they respect & admire Dunia & Sameer a lot but when it comes to them, they actually have developed feelings for Kashif & Gauhar, which makes it all very interesting & enticing to watch. Dunia & Sameer both want to feel & go through the experiences that Kashif & Gauhar are usually up for, like they want to live life following their lead, which is a nice shift in both their personalities.

After a long time, Dunia has found something & someone to feel excited or happy about. For Dunia, Kashif is a lot more than just a colleague or an employee & slowly & steadily even she is realizing that what she has for Kashif is a lot more deeper & meaningful. Dunia is just purely happy that she has come across a person like Kashif who has helped her in seeing the world differently, who has altered her perspective in a positive way. It has been nice to see Dunia coming out of her shell & just letting herself free because now she finds happiness in simplest & smallest of things. Kashif still thinks he is just helping Dunia & that she appreciates his presence but he has yet to learn that she actually has feelings for him.

Similarly, Sameer is interested in Gauhar & he wants to explore the world with Gauhar by her side. Sameer has lived a miserable life so far but Gauhar is someone who makes him happy. Just the idea of him being with Gauhar is enough for Sameer to get through a long & tiring day, that is why he is always looking for excuses to get to be with her & spend time with her. Gauhar also admires Sameer to the point that she has a soft corner for him but she also hasn’t really understood why all of a sudden Sameer’s personality & his overall attitude has changed so much, especially in the matters concerning her.

I remember every time I watch Korean dramas, I always come across such female leads who were finding it hard to make ends meet but were self-reliant & never ever took advantage of their wealthier friends or those who developed feelings for them. I always loved the fact that their writers never showed hard-working girls as victims, they showed their struggles in detail but not to make them look like poor souls. I always used to wonder when will I get to see such characters in Pakistani dramas & voila, I am so glad that Hashim Nadeem came up with a character like Gauhar. Yes, it may sound repetitive that she keeps mentioning the loan but this is the writer’s way of showing how sorted & self-reliant she is where she doesn’t want to give Sameer, her wealthy boss the impression that she has forgotten about what he has done for her & that she is totally fine accepting his money without having to work for it. This is one such trait of Gauhar’s personality that I absolutely love. Even though Sameer wants Gauhar to not feel burdened because obviously, he has feelings for her but Gauhar on the other hand keeps on mentioning it so that he never once feels that she has forgotten about it. Dunia’s character is also amazing to see, where she never let her medical condition get in the way of her success, like she never used it as an excuse & rather turned it into her strength to show it to the world that she is totally capable of working hard & being successful. Yes, again, they showed it realistically that due to her break up she was bitter but then she didn’t let it hinder her from focusing on her career. So glad to see characters like Gauhar & Dunia in Ishq Zahe Naseeb!!!

So, Gauhar & Kashif finally crossed paths. They both met at a place where they have shared some of the most beautiful memories, when they both believed they will always be together & nothing will be able to drift them apart. The flashbacks were also done nicely. Kashif still holds himself responsible for betraying Gauhar & this is how Gauhar feels too because she also didn’t show up. They both feel guilty & have yet to find out that on that day, they both didn’t show up, they both put their families ahead of them & they both behaved selflessly. It is a huge burden that Gauhar & Kashif are carrying so I really want to see how they will learn the truth. Kashif found out that Gauhar works for Sameer but Dunia couldn’t really understand that the girl Kashif had his eyes locked on was the lady love he spoke to her about.

The dargah scene was mysterious & it was done really well. The Fakir could totally see the dual personality of Sameer & he actually promised that he could help. Sameer could not believe that someone could actually speak about her secret just so casually & out of the blue. Sameer was flabbergasted which was portrayed brilliantly by Zahid Ahmed. Gauhar also met that woman who had spoken about her fate. Gauhar didn’t really put much thought into it because she was still grasping the fact that she saw Kashif after such a long time. I still feel even though they have covered every aspect of Gauhar’s personality brilliantly, they do sometimes miss or skip her reactions on important events, like her absolutely normal reaction after she dodged an acid attack & now again, she couldn’t really put two & two together that the 2 men that women referred to were actually Kashif & Sameer.

Jabbar met Sameer & this way, Kashif also got to meet him. Sameer is unaware of the connection Kashif & Gauhar had, so let’s see if he will ever find out, how will he react. Jabbar also spoke to Kashif about accepting Dunia as his life partner but at that moment, his commanding tone made it look like he wasn’t pleading like a father, rather he was ordering like a boss, which was conveyed perfectly. Jabbar wants Kashif & Dunia to end up together because he can see that Dunia has started relying on Kashif a lot more than Kashif realizes. As a father, Jabbar can totally see that Dunia has fallen for Kashif so he wanted to make sure that his daughter’s not left heartbroken again, that is why he spoke to him in such a manner, making sure that Kashif is not left with an option of leaving Dunia. Jabbar behaved selfishly but as a father, this is the least he can do for his daughter, which is sweet.

So, finally Sameer gave a subtle hint to Gauhar which she really didn’t pick on because again, she was focused more on the conversation she was having with him about paying off the loan. Sameer wants Gauhar to stay but he hasn’t found the courage yet, which I hope he does soon because Sameer as someone who wants to experience the happiness he feels with Gauhar will be so amazing to see.

Closing Thoughts – Simply Amazing:

Overall, this episode of Ishq Zahe Naseeb was simply amazing. Again, I love how they show the emotions of all the characters in such detail. The preview of the next episode showed how Sameer will be forced both, by his inner self as well as his mother to stay away from Gauhar. Sameer will be challenged by two personalities who rule & control his life, so will he be able to break-free? Will he able to rebel? I really liked how they showed Sameer sharing a laugh with Jabbar & having a casual conversation, like they have succeeded in showing the stark difference in the real Sameer, like who he is & what kind of attitude he has & then the Sameer he becomes when he is all alone, facing his fears & finding comfort in Sameera. Samiya definitely doesn’t want Sameer & Gauhar to be together, I want to see what are her reasons though. This is getting so interesting. Loved everyone’s acting, as it was amazing but this episode definitely belonged to Zahid Ahmed, I loved his subtle expressions & the sophisticated demeanor that he has when he is dealing with people at work. Brilliant body language & mannerisms portrayed by Zahid Ahmed. Please share your thoughts about this episode of Ishq Zahe Naseeb.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza

Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.