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Khaas Episode 12 – Story Review

Opening Thoughts – Brilliantly Executed:

Ohkay so, this episode of Khaas was again brilliantly executed. As the episodes are progressing, all the issues that Saba has with Ammar are making more and more sense because they now seem realistic & are being conveyed in a brilliant manner. The direction surely has improved a lot & it is now becoming such a drama that appeals to me.

Saba Is Being Held Responsible:

Saba was brought back to Ammar’s house but no one was actually trying to understand what her issues with Ammar were. Everyone around Saba tried to make her feel guilty & responsible for the miscarriage. The way Saba’s deteriorating mental health was shown was perfect, it was like she was feeling helpless & slowly & steadily she was losing hope of being heard too. In the middle of all those lectures that Saba was getting, it was Farah who was feeling for Saba. It would be good to see Farah having a conversation with Saba on a personal level because now even Farah is a little convinced that Ammar is not such an ideal husband as he poses to be & as everyone around him thinks he is!

Ammar failed to take any responsibility yet again & even though he did bring Saba back to put an impression on everyone, he was barely there for her. Ammar has found a new activity in the form of Salma & she is now spending quite a lot of time with Ammar. Even though at this stage Ammar thinks no one really questions him or doubts his intentions but finally, his friend and colleague did put two & two together & concluded that it was Ammar’s behaviour & mistreatment with Saba that must’ve caused the miscarriage. Even though this does seem like a bit of a stretch but yes, at times smallest of mistakes do make women go through a miscarriage. Ammar is guilty & he pretty much knows what he has done but he is obviously never going to admit his mistakes, therefore he continued to make Saba feel that it was her fault!

Saba did try to confront Ammar, it was one of the most powerful scenes of this episode but then even after she said what was in her heart & the truth, Ammar couldn’t take it. Ammar’s entire family is bent on proving that Saba has psychological issues because she sees faults in her perfect husband.

Faakhir gave Saba a shoulder to cry on & even though at first Saba did not tell him anything, he ended up finding out everything from his & Ammar’s mutual friend & Fakhir felt broken. Nida has decided to confess her feelings to Fakhir but then Saba’s friendship with Fakhir will be used against her. Faraz’s approach regarding this entire matter is disgusting. Just because Faraz got what he wanted from Ammar, he now thinks Saba belongs to him & he is free to treat Saba whichever way he pleases. Faraz has shown to be quite a doting husband so for him to completely ignore the fact that his daughter was having a tiff with her husband is ridiculous. The least Faraz could have done as a father is ask Saba once to find out what was running through her mind.

Closing Thoughts – Intense:

Overall, this episode of Khaas was definitely good. It is nice to see that the script now has some seriousness to it & all the problems are now surfacing in a very convincing manner. Slowly & steadily the writer has showed how things are getting beyond difficult for Saba but what’s worse is that no one is trying to even listen to her. Everyone has done a great job but Ali Rehman was really good in this episode. Sanam Baloch should have gargled with hot water before her scenes because she really had a hard time delivering her dialogues & she didn’t sound too good. The direction of Khaas surely has improved & every situation has that perfect intensity that it requires. Please share your thoughts about this episode of Khaas.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.


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